Maxi Live Casino

Casino maxi
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Maxi Live Casino
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Maxi Live Casino Fiosrachadh

💰 Tairgse bònas: $235,000
🤵 Bathar-bog geamannan beò: BetGamesTV, mean-fhàs, Live 5 Gaming, Pragmatic Live, Spearhead Studios, Spiorad, Swintt
❓ Stèidhichte: 2012
⚡ Ann an seilbh: Fiosrachadh mun chompanaidh Realm Entertainment Ltd
⭐ Riaghladh: Malta Gaming Authority
➡️ tasgadh: Jeton, Maestro, Mastercard, MiFinity, Visa
⬅️ tarraing air ais: Gluasad uèir banca, Jeton, MiFinity
🔥 Crìochan tarraing a-mach: $50,000 gach latha
✅ Cànanan: English, Turkish
📞 taic:

Geamannan aig Maxi Live Casino

Maxi Live Casino Lèirmheas

Stèidhich Realm Entertainment Limited Casino Maxi ann an 2002. Tha an làrach ag amas gu sònraichte air cluicheadairean Turcach leis gur e prìomh chànan a’ chasino a th’ ann, agus tha a’ mhòr-chuid de chrìochan air an taisbeanadh ann an TRY. Ach, faodaidh tu cuideachd atharrachadh gu Beurla agus EUR a thaghadh mar airgead a’ chunntais. Faodaidh cluicheadairean earbsa a bhith aca ann an CasinoMaxi air sgàth a chead MGA/B2C/196/2010 bho Ùghdarras Gamadh Malta. Lorgaidh an fheadhainn a tha a’ coimhead airson geamannan beò inntinneach 160+ caochlaidhean an seo, a’ toirt a-steach na tiotalan as ùire leithid Big Bad Wolf Live le Quickspin, a chaidh fhoillseachadh ann an 2023. A bharrachd air an sin, tha an casino beò air-loidhne seo beairteach ann am bònasan airson geamannan le luchd-reic, leithid tairgsean roulette beò, Airgead air ais 10% airson geamannan fìor luchd-reic, agus barrachd. A thaobh gheamannan eile, tha cruinneachadh math de gheamannan tubaist mar Aviator air an làrach gambling, a bharrachd air tòrr innealan slot air-loidhne le sìoltachain adhartach.

Roghainnean tasgaidh ann an Casino Maxi

Cha bhiodh an lèirmheas Maxi Casino seo coileanta às aonais an làn chunntas air na roghainnean pàighidh agus crìochan a tha rim faighinn leis nach eil geall air geamannan reic beò rim faighinn sa mhodh an-asgaidh. Às deidh clàradh, gheibh thu logadh a-steach Maxi Casino gus cunntas a chuir a-steach agus cuir ris. Gabhaidh an làrach ri roghainnean pàighidh cruinneil is ionadail, agus thèid na crìochan a thaisbeanadh anns an airgead a thaghas tu fhad ‘s a tha thu a’ clàradh. Faodaidh e a bhith EUR no TRY, agus thèid a h-uile airgead eile a chleachdas tu airson tasgadh a thionndadh a rèir sin. Seallaidh sinn na crìochan sin ann an USD aig an ìre iomlaid gnàthach:

  • Visa, Mastercard, Maestro: $10 gu $175
  • Pàigheadh, Mefete: $1 gu $1800
  • Papara, Pàpa, Pàpa, Pàpa, Pàpa, Pàpa: $2 gu $1800
  • Jeton: $5 gu $10,000
  • Ann Havale: $7 gu $18,000
  • Jet Havale: $3.5 gu $540
  • Cola Havale: $2 gu $717
  • VIP Havale: $4 gu $717
  • Paycell: $2 gu $180
  • HayBay: $2 gu $358
  • PàigheadhKwik: $1 gu $5000
  • Mifinity: $10 gu $2500

Roghainnean tarraing air ais ann an Casino Maxi

Is e an ìre tarraing air ais as àirde taobh a-staigh 24 uairean $50,000, a tha mòran nas àirde na cuibheasachd a’ ghnìomhachais. Bheir na h-amannan tarraing air ais suas ri còig latha gnìomhachais a rèir teirmean a’ chasino, agus bheir gach roghainn pàighidh bhon liosta 1 gu 24 uairean a bharrachd. Chan eil na cìsean air an cur an sàs air taobh casino, agus ma thèid coimisean sam bith a phàigheadh, chì thu an t-suim mus tèid an gluasad a phròiseasadh gu h-iomlan. 

Bu chòir dhut co-dhiù leth den t-suim a chaidh a thasgadh a ghealltainn gus cosgaisean a bharrachd a sheachnadh mar thoradh air cùis tionndadh tasgaidh. Is iad seo na dòighean agus na crìochan airgid a tha rim faighinn le Casino Maxi airson gach gnothach:

  • Bank transfer: $3.6 gu $1800
  • PàparaMeud: $1.8 Gu $1076
  • MefeteMeud: $0.7 gu $1800
  • PayFix: $0.9 gu $1800
  • JetonMeud: $0.36 Gu $3587
  • Peppara, HayHay: $1.8 Gu $359
  • PaycellMeud: $1.8 Gu $179
  • Parolapara, Paybol, PopyPara, Papel: $1.8 gu $1800
  • Mifinity: $10 gu $2500
  • Cryptocurrency: $7 gu $35,875

Mobile Casino Maxi

Tha ceangal aig earrann Ceistean Cumanta CasinoMaxi gus an aplacaid casino a stàladh. Dhaibhsan nach eil airson dèiligeadh ris na pròiseasan stàlaidh sin uile, bidh dreach brabhsair casino gluasadach a cheart cho iomchaidh. Faodaidh tu diofar innealan iOS no Android a thaghadh gus faighinn gu bathar-bog na làraich air fònaichean sgairteil agus clàran. 

Gu goireasach, faodaidh cluicheadairean roinnean CasinoMaxi a sheòrsachadh eadhon air scrionaichean beaga, agus mar sin tha an cruinneachadh de luchd-reic beò na dheagh roghainn airson gambling air an t-slighe. Tha solaraichean mar Pragmatic Play agus Evolution am measg stiùirichean fuasglaidhean gambling gluasadach, agus mar sin bidh an t-eòlas casino beò air-loidhne agad sàr-mhath air sgàth HTML5 agus fuasglaidhean snasail air an cur an sàs le stiùirichean gnìomhachais.

Solaraichean geama beò ann an Casino Maxi

Is dòcha nach e catalog beò CasinoMaxi am fear as motha a-muigh an sin, ach fhathast, faodaidh luchd-ceannach faighinn gu geamannan casino air-loidhne eugsamhail le luchd-reic air sgàth raon de sholaraichean sgileil. Is iad sin BetGamesTV, Playtech, Pragmatic Play, Religa, agus Evolution. Aon uair anns an roinn le geamannan casino beò air-loidhne, faodaidh tu am widget gu h-àrd air an taobh chlì a chleachdadh gus am bathar-bog a sheòrsachadh le solaraichean. Gheibh thu beagan fhaclan mu gach solaraiche agus na h-eisimpleirean as mòr-chòrdte a tha rim faighinn aig Maxi anns na h-earrannan gu h-ìosal.


Here’s one more experienced live casino supplier which entered the market in 2012. BetGamesTV boasts 200+ global partners, 350+ employees worldwide, and plenty of iGaming rewards, including the third place in Casino Product of the Year nomination at GGA London 2021 for War of Bets. Actually, it’s now one of the two live dealer games from the provider offered by CasinoMaxi.

Teicneòlas cluiche

Maxi Online Casino also works with Playtech, the world’s largest online gaming software supplier traded on the London Stock Exchange Main Market, launched in 1999. Mor Weizer, CEO at Playtech, says that their ‘vision is to be the technology partner of choice for the world’s leading betting and gaming operators’. Among the 30 live Playtech games, Casino Maxi has Mega Fire Blaze Blackjack, Buffalo Blitz Live Slot, and Everybody’s Jackpot Live.

Cluich Pragmatach

Being launched in 2015, Pragmatic Play is now certified in over 20 jurisdictions and is known for both vibrant slots and mind-blowing live software. Besides, the company is busy producing dedicated live games for their partners, which are large casino brands. Currently, Casino Maxi has 18 games from Pragmatic Play, including Snakes and Ladders Live, PowerUp Roulette, and Vegas Ball Bonanza. 


The Religa live casino supplier was launched in 2007 to stream live casino games from custom-built studios and land-based casinos. Edgar Portelli, the company’s CEO, says that ‘convergence between land-based casinos and iGaming industry is finally taking scene’. There are only three titles from Religa, but when you open the lobby, the range is much larger and includes the best games like Golden Blackjack and VIP Roulette. 


It all started in 2006, and today, Evolution is a massive live casino corporation known for its acquisition of popular brands like NetEnt and loads of cool real dealer games, including the ones at Maxi Casino. The company regularly promotes its games worldwide during events like G2E Las Vegas, held in October 2023. CasinoMaxi can offer 90+ Evolution’s games, such as Crazy Coin Flip, Gold Vault Roulette, and Lightning Lotto.

Live roulette in Casino Maxi

You can separate live roulette games by using corresponding filters in the leftmost menu. Casino Maxi has 35+ online casino live roulette games by far. Players can access different classic variations like Speed Auto Roulette by Pragmatic Play and Turkish Roulette by Playtech, while those interested in more feature-packed real dealer roulette games can play the following titles:

  • Lightning Roulette by Evolution ($0.2 to $10,000 bet range)
  • XXXtreme Lightning Roulette by Evolution ($0.2 to $10,000)
  • Mega Fire Blaze Roulette by Playtech ($0.2 to $5000)
  • Triple Way Roulette by Religa ($0.5 to $10,000)

Live blackjack in Casino Maxi

Blackjack games stand out thanks to a really high RTP, and CasinoMaxi has 30+ variations. Considering different options of the available live online blackjack games, gamblers can place side bets or simply focus on the main gameplay, hunting for 1:1 or 3:2 payouts for higher hand values or natural blackjack combinations. These are the most popular blackjack games at CasinoMax:

  • Exclusive Blackjack VIP by Evolution ($100 to $20,000 bet range)
  • Mega Fire Blaze Blackjack by Playtech ($1 to $1000)
  • Blackjack Party by Evolution ($0.5 to $100)
  • ONE Blackjack by Pragmatic Play ($1 to $5000)

Live baccarat in Casino Maxi

Perhaps, baccarat is somewhat less popular among Casino Maxi players since its range is not that massive, but gamblers can still find some variations which can even feature extra options to boot. As well as with other categories, you can select this type through the menu and check bet limits on the covers of all these games. Maxi online casino players can place real money wagers on these live baccarat games:

  • XXXtreme Lightning Baccarat by Evolution ($1 to $5000 bet range)
  • Golden Baccarat by Religa ($1 to $100)
  • Prosperity Tree Baccarat by Evolution ($1 to $10,000)
  • Grand Baccarat by Playtech ($0.5 to $15,000)

Live shows in Casino Maxi

Players fond of money wheels, live slots streamed by real dealers, and other lottery variations can choose the section with game shows. There are 35+ variants with quite simple rules where you bet on certain sectors of the money wheel, enjoy a 3D bonus round based on the Monopoly board game, or enter mini-games with virtual robots making cocktails with multipliers:

  • Dead or Alive Saloon by Evolution ($0.1 to $2000 bet range)
  • Sweet Bonanza CandyLand by Pragmatic Play ($0.2 to $3000)
  • Gonzo’s Treasure Map by Evolution ($0.1 to $1000)
  • Vegas Ball Bonanza by Pragmatic Play ($0.1 to $900)

Crash games in Casino Maxi

Crash games are a new word in the real money gambling world, and Casino Maxi has a few options to offer. The concept of these games is simple yet captivating since players get involved more than usual and can make their own decisions to determine when to leave and cash out after the game begins. Of course, it’s not all so easy, so gamblers who don’t cash out in time lose the bet since the game crashes at any random moment, but before it, the multiplier keeps on growing, so the longer you manage to stay in the game, the better the reward. The industry leaders you can find at Maxi are Aviator by Spribe, where you can place two bets per round, Spaceman, Hi-Lo, PlinkoX, and others.

Welcome bonuses in Casino Maxi

CasinoMaxi has quite an extensive welcome package, but you should note that it’s designed for slot players rather than live dealer punters. The Maxi Casino signup bonus brings up to $230 + 650 FS for the first three deposits (please note that the offer is provided in TRY and converted to USD by our team according to the current rate, so the amount may change and should be checked during sign-up. It’s essential to mention that the welcome bonus is only for players who get registered directly from Turkey. The wager is 30x for slots, 90x for live dealer games, and 15x for sports betting, according to the basic T&Cs. This means that your $230 bonus should be wagered as $20,700 (90x * 230) when you opt for live dealer games.

Regular bonuses in Casino Maxi

Casino Maxi users can play live dealer games with some extra bonuses aimed particularly at live software. Moreover, there are special offers which can be used in crash games like Aviator. You’ll find more details and bonus terms below.

Bonuses for crash games

Crash games are especially popular among cryptocurrency casino players using Bitcoin or alternative blockchain currencies for online gambling. Regardless of whether you lose or win when playing crash games, you can get 25% of your net wins or losses within the weekly bonus campaign. The bonus limit is up to $26 weekly (the rate may vary depending on the TRY exchange rate). The promotion accepts a range of popular crash online casino games, including Aviator, Mines, Spaceman, AstroBoomers Turbo, and others. The bonus should be wagered 10x times on slots and table games.

Live Roulette bonus

Players can get up to $35 daily when playing live roulette and placing bets on the 20 and 23 lucky numbers. The bonus is for Evolution’s Turkish Roulette, and you don’t need a deposit bonus code to participate. You need to place the minimum of $0.7 on numbers 20 or 23 and get a bonus of $3.5 when the ball lands in that position. The daily bonus limit is up to $35 on the condition of winning 10 times per day. The bonus is wager-free, so you can immediately withdraw it or use it for other real money wagers.

Live Blackjack bonus

By getting the bonus for Evolution’s Live Blackjack game, you automatically participate in this engaging Maxi live casino bonus. When the first three cards during the live blackjack round are fives, you get paid $27 as free chips with no wagering. Better still, players can get up to three such bonuses per day. Please note that Freebet, Power, Infinite, Lightning, and First Person Blackjack tables are excluded from the promotion.

Live casino cashback

Here’s one of the live Maxi promotions for blackjack players. Live online Casino Maxi players can get 10% cashback up to $53 on Wednesdays at a quite moderate 10x wager. The net losses are calculated from 00.00 to 23.45 on Wednesdays, and the minimum qualifying loss amount to get cashback is $18.

Monday reload bonus

Maxi live online casino players can deposit on Mondays and get 25% up to $53 as a reload bonus (no casino bonus code required). This offer is compatible with all betting options, including sports betting, but you should note that the wager is 15x for bookmakers, 30x for regular casino games, and 90x for live games, which is quite a lot (though it’s much better than sky-high 700x wagers due to low game contribution for live games in standard bonus offers from competitors).

Tournaments in Casino Maxi

Casino Maxi has real casino tourneys with different software involved, so we’ll pay attention to Drops & Wins Live events held by Pragmatic Play. These weekly events include many thrilling live games like VIP Blackjack, ONE Blackjack, Sweet Bonanza CandyLand, Boom City, PowerUp Roulette, and Speed Baccarat. They offer massive prize pools distributed between the most active participants. You need to play these games during the event and meet qualifying deposit limits to participate.

Summary to Casino Maxi

CasinoMaxi is a legal Turkish-focused gambling site supporting TRY and EUR as the two main currencies, but its rules don’t prohibit gamblers from other jurisdictions from joining the site, while other currencies will just convert accordingly. The gaming library offered by this online casino is rich, and the collection of 160+ top live dealer games provides gamblers with an opportunity to test real dealer software with different bet limits, exciting features, and types for all tastes. Searching for classic table games with dealers? Here you go to test VIP Blackjack by Pragmatic Play and Lightning Roulette by Evolution. Interested in lotteries and live shows? Then don’t miss the latest Snakes and Ladders Live and Vegas Ball Bonanza Live of 2023. At any rate, our review proves that Casino Maxi has excellent cross-platform live dealer solutions and can boast plenty of affordable live casino bonuses to boot.

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