Geama blackjack saor an asgaidh Gèam Clàr beò a rèir mean-fhàs

Suaicheantas Evolution
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Geama blackjack saor an asgaidh
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Geama blackjack saor an asgaidh Gèam Clàr beò a rèir mion-fhiosrachadh mean-fhàs

🎰 Bathar-bog: mean-fhàs
📲 Cluich air fòn-làimhe: IOS, Android
💰 Crìochan geall: $1 - $10,000
🤵 Cànan an neach-reic: Beurla, Spàinntis, Eadailtis, Gearmailtis, Fraingis, Ruisis, Suainis, Turcais, Danmhairgis, Greugais, Nirribhidh, Fionnlannach, Arabais, Portagailis
💬 Còmhradh Beò: Tha
🌎 Àite an Stiùidio: Armenia, a 'Bheilg, Canada, Georgia, Latvia, Malta, Romania, an Spàinn, na SA
🎲 Seòrsa geama: Geama clàr, Blackjack
💵 RTP: 98.45%

Casinos le Geama blackjack saor an asgaidh gabhail ri cluicheadairean bho

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Geama blackjack saor an asgaidh Gèam Clàr beò a rèir mean-fhàs Lèirmheas

Tha mean-fhàs air a mheas gu ìre mar am fuamhaire anns a’ ghnìomhachas casino beò air-loidhne, agus tha an cruinneachadh blackjack fìor reiceadair aige cuideachd na rud as fhiach a thoirt fa-near. Is e Bet Blackjack an-asgaidh aon de na toraidhean sin a chaidh a chuir air bhog ann an 2018. Is e toradh Infinite Blackjack a th ’ann, a tha a’ ciallachadh gum faod àireamh neo-chuingealaichte de chluicheadairean a dhol a-steach don gheama aig an aon àm. Is e na prìomh fheartan aige a tha a ’dèanamh an dreach seo eadar-dhealaichte bho fheadhainn eile geall an-asgaidh agus an fhìrinn gu bheil 22 an neach-reic a’ leantainn gu putadh. Anns an ath-bhreithneachadh seo, ionnsaichidh tu mar a chluicheas tu Blackjack an-asgaidh Bet le neach-reic beò le Evolution, dè na ro-innleachdan a tha freagarrach airson diofar suimean bankroll, agus dè na casinos a tha freagarrach airson a 'gheama seo.

Saor an-asgaidh Bet Blackjack le Evolution: riaghailtean bunaiteach

Eu-coltach ri geamannan fìor reiceadair blackjack traidiseanta, tha eisgeachdan sònraichte aig riaghailtean Free Bet Blackjack a tha a ’dèanamh an seòrsa seo gu math annasach agus inntinneach. Tha amas bunaiteach a' gheama àbhaisteach oir feumaidh tu fhathast measgachadh blackjack fhaighinn airson pàigheadh 3:2 no làmh nas luachmhoire fhaighinn na tha an neach-reic fhathast gun a bhith nas àirde na 21. An seo, bidh fìrinn inntinneach agad bhon uair sin nad chùis. de bhith nas àirde na 21, caillidh tu, agus nuair a thig e gu 22 an neach-reic, is e putadh a th’ ann. Is dòcha gu bheil an càileachd seo a ’coimhead mì-onarach, ach tha e a’ dèanamh dìoladh airson geall Dùbailte is Split an-asgaidh. Seo na riaghailtean bunaiteach agus crìochan:

  • Nuair a tha luach a’ chiad dà chairt agad 21, is e Blackjack a th’ ann
  • Tha àrachas aig a’ gheama aig Ace an neach-reic leis a’ phàigheadh 2:1
  • Tha an geama air a chluich le ochd bùird
  • Bidh an neach-reic an-còmhnaidh na sheasamh air 17
  • Faodaidh cluicheadairean dùblachadh air dà chairt tùsail sam bith
  • Tha sgaraidhean an-asgaidh rim faighinn air a h-uile càraid (ach a-mhàin 10, J, Q, K)
  • Tha an roghainn Dùbailte an-asgaidh ri fhaighinn air na h-àireamhan cruaidh dà-chairt 9, 10, agus 11
  • Faodaidh gamblers cairtean tùsail den aon luach a roinn (dìreach aon sgaradh gach làmh agus dìreach aon chairt air a làimhseachadh gach Split Ace)
  • Chan eil Split ri fhaighinn às deidh an roghainn Dùbailte
  • Chuir an riaghailt Six Card Charlie an sàs (buannaichidh tu nuair a tha sia cairtean agad luach suas ri 21)
  • Nuair a tha do làmhan agus làmhan an neach-reic co-ionann, is e putadh a th’ ann, agus thèid do gheall a thilleadh

Bet Blackjack air-loidhne an-asgaidh: sruthan reiceadair beò

Faodar mean-fhàs a bhith air ainmeachadh gu cothromach mar rìgh bathar-bog gambling beò airson casinos air-loidhne. Tha na h-innealan riatanach aig na stiùidiothan aige airson sruthan àrd-inbhe, agus mar sin tha e na thoileachas a bhith a’ cluich Free Bet Blackjack, ge bith an e geama deasg no gluasadach iOS agus Android a th’ ann. Còrdaidh an stiùidio riut leis na h-innealan riatanach uile, a’ toirt a-steach an fheadhainn a tha os cionn rùn bhidio àrd agus ceàrnan eadar-dhealaichte gus a h-uile mion-fhiosrachadh a nochdadh.

Mar a chluicheas tu Evolution's Free Bet Blackjack

Tha Bet Blackjack air-loidhne an-asgaidh na gheama casino neach-reic beò le seòladh ruigsinneach, riaghailtean gu math sìmplidh, agus buannachdan sònraichte. Taing dha eadar-aghaidh goireasach a ’gheama, faodaidh tu tòiseachadh a’ cluich ann am beagan mhionaidean às deidh dhut clàradh aig a ’chasino air-loidhne agad. Tha na còig ceumannan bunaiteach mar a leanas:

  1. Fosgail cunntas casino air-loidhne agus cuir d’ ainm a-steach leis gu bheil geamannan fìor airgead air-loidhne rim faighinn airson fìor thasgaidhean a-mhàin (roimhe seo, faodaidh tu coimhead air an t-sruth ach chan urrainn dhut geall a chuir) 
  2. Dèan sgrùdadh air na riaghailtean ma tha sin riatanach agus atharraich suidheachadh a’ gheama a rèir sin
  3. Rè na h-ùine nuair a thèid gabhail ri geall, cuir sgoltagan de na luachan a thaghas tu air a 'bhòrd air na dreuchdan geall as fheàrr leat
  4. Nuair a bhios geall dùinte, tòisichidh a’ chuairt, agus mar sin cha leig thu leas am putan tòiseachaidh a phutadh
  5. Rè a 'chuairt, gheibh thu na cairtean agus tha raon de ghnìomhan agad airson taghadh, a' gabhail a-steach bualadh, seasamh, agus a 'cleachdadh geall Dùbailte is Split an-asgaidh

Cairtean luachan ann an Live Saor an-asgaidh Bet Blackjack 

Fhad ‘s a tha coltas Evolution's Free Bet Blackjack beagan nas ìsle na a’ chuibheasachd mar thoradh air putadh an neach-reic aig 22, tha raon de riaghailtean eile àbhaisteach, a ’toirt a-steach luachan cairt. Gabhaidh an geama ri àireamh neo-chuingealaichte de chluicheadairean agus tha e air a chluich le ochd deic àbhaisteach 52-cairt. Tha na cairtean air an cunntadh mar a leanas:

  • Tha luach aghaidh aig cairtean bho 2 gu 10, agus mar sin gheibh thu na chì thu
  • Tha luach deich air cairtean aghaidh (Jacks, Queens, and Kings).
  • Tha luachan aig Aces an dà chuid 1 agus 11 (ge bith dè a tha nas fàbharach don làmh)

An toiseach, gheibh thu fhèin agus an neach-reic aon chairt aghaidh suas. An uairsin, bheir an neach-reic cairt aghaidh-suas eile do chluicheadairean, fhad ‘s a tha an dàrna cairt aig an neach-reic aghaidh-sìos. Às deidh seo, bidh thu a’ dèanamh cho-dhùnaidhean a’ feuchainn ris an làmh as luachmhoire fhaighinn fhathast gun a bhith a’ faighinn thairis air 21.

Bets saor an asgaidh

Air a 'phrìomh sgrion, air an làimh dheis, gheibh thu a' Quick Help 'widget a tha a' toirt geàrr-chunntas air na prìomh roghainnean ùra a tha sònraichte airson an-asgaidh Bet Blackjack beò geama. Tha fiosrachadh mu gheall an-asgaidh mar a leanas:

  • Tha Dùbailte an-asgaidh ri fhaighinn air làimh 9, 10, no 11
  • Tha Split an-asgaidh ri fhaighinn air a h-uile càraid (ach a-mhàin 10, J, Q, K)
  • Bidh an neach-reic a’ putadh le 22 gu h-iomlan

Ma thèid an putadh le 22 an neach-reic, thèid an geall agad a thilleadh, ach nuair a bhios tu a’ briseadh le do chairtean, cha tachair seo. Gu inntinneach, nuair a tha Blackjack agad, is e am buannachadh dhut.


Nuair a tha cairt suas an neach-reic na Ace (chan e deich no cairt aghaidh), faodaidh tu àrachas a cheannach gu roghnach airson leth den phrìomh gheall agad. Bidh e ag obair nuair a tha Blackjack aig an neach-reic agus gheibh cluicheadairean pàigheadh 2: 1 sa chùis seo. Ach, nuair nach eil an dàrna cairt aig an neach-reic 10, J, Q, no K (no Blackjack), tha an geall àrachais air chall, mar sin bi faiceallach le leithid de chaitheamh a bharrachd tron chuairt.

Dùbailte, Buail, Seas no Split

Aon uair 's gu bheil a' chiad dà chairt agad, faodaidh tu co-dhùnadh a dhèanamh. Chì thu ceithir roghainnean air an taisbeanadh air putanan de dhiofar dhathan (a bharrachd, dà phutan òir gun fhios nach bi geall an-asgaidh):

  • Dùbailte
    Tha do gheall air dùblachadh, agus chan fhaigh thu ach aon chairt a bharrachd. Anns an dreach blackjack seo, nuair a tha 9, 10, no 11 gu h-iomlan cruaidh agad, tha an roghainn an-asgaidh (chì thu putan òrail co-fhreagarrach leis an leubail ‘Free’), agus mar sin thèid an geall an-asgaidh a chur ris an iomlan agad. geall (cha bhith thu a’ pàigheadh airson an dùblachadh fhathast faigh an geall seo agus is urrainn dhut barrachd a bhuannachadh).
  • Buail
    Tha cairt a bharrachd air a tharraing. Faodaidh tu an clàr Free Bet Blackjack a chleachdadh gus tuigsinn dè na cùisean as fheàrr airson bualadh gus do luach làimhe àrdachadh ach gun a bhith a’ briseadh.
  • Seas
    Chan eil cairtean a bharrachd air an tarraing. Tha an co-dhùnadh seo math nuair a tha measgachadh cruaidh gu math àrd agad agus tuigidh tu gun urrainn dhut a dhol à bith le bhith a’ faighinn aon chairt eile.
  • Split
    The cards are split into two individual bets, so the total bet is doubled. For all the cards except for tens, Jacks, Queens, or Kings, you can also see the golden free bet buttons.

When your balance isn’t enough for certain options (eg. Double or Split in cases when the free bet option isn’t available), these buttons won’t be displayed. Please note that in cases when you don’t make a decision, the option will be selected automatically. For example, when the value of your initial cards is 11 or less, the system will choose Hit for your next step, and in other cases, you’ll stand.

Six Card Charlie Rule

This option is quite infrequent, but the Evolution live casino provider decided to add it to its Free Bet Blackjack. According to this rule, you automatically win when your hand consists of six cards with a total value of 21 or less. It’s true even when the dealer has Blackjack (however, if the Blackjack is revealed after the insurance offer, this rule isn’t applied). In case of splitting, each hand is evaluated individually.

Free Bet Blackjack navigation & interface

To play Free Bet Blackjack live by Evolution for real money, you won’t need to explore the game’s interface in detail since only a few fields and widgets are enough to check your balance, place a bet, and make decisions within the game.

Balance & betting tools

The game’s interface is quite straightforward, so you’ll easily find everything connected with payments and gameplay. The possible betting range is displayed above on the left. Below, you’ll see your balance, total bet, and the total amount won by all players within each round. The traffic light with a timer displays how much time you have to place a bet, so its green, yellow, and red indicators are helpful.

The chips are based below, and you can see that each has its value. You click or tap on it (depending on whether you play on a desktop or mobile) to choose this denomination; then, you determine the table’s betting position and put the chip there. While the bets aren’t closed, you have ‘Repeat’, ’Double’, and ‘Undo’ widgets to modify your total bet. Additionally, you can use the ‘All Side Bets’ button to use the selected chip for each side bet.

As well as other live dealer games, Free Bet Blackjack will be suitable for high rollers due to its wide betting range (please note that these limits may vary from casino to casino). Newbies can also find the game engaging since with the focus on only basic betting options and minimum bets, even a small balance of about $20 will be good for at least a few gaming sessions.

Game history

Unlike real dealer roulette games, where you can see detailed statistics with hot numbers and similar things, here, you can only track your game history, including your bets and wins/losses. It’s slightly inconvenient for players who prefer thorough analysis based on the results of previous rounds, so gamblers interested in the game’s results in the long run should watch the gameplay themselves. Just keep in mind that patterns don’t work in blackjack, and the outcomes are always unpredictable, even when you stick to the Free Bet Blackjack basic strategy (though it can minimise your risks).

Còmhradh beò

The chat field is on the left, and it’s a perfect option to get involved in the gameplay by communicating with the dealer and other players. Optionally, the game host can answer your questions. It’s worth noting that in some cases, you won’t be able to use the chat until you place the bet, but it may depend on the casino where you play.

Additional settings

In the menu line above on the right, you’ll find extra settings for video and sound parameters. Thus, you can adjust the video quality to your preferences and internet connection, while the sound settings can let you turn off only certain sound effects to focus, for example, on the dealer’s voice only. Additionally, you can track the game number to use it when having issues with this round. And via the special option in the menu below, you can add other Evolution’s games to this screen to play several games at the same time.

Side bets in Free Bet Blackjack online

Since payouts in the base Free Bet Blackjack game aren’t that high, some players may opt for side bets, which are riskier yet offer much larger rewards of up to 250:1 (Bust It with 8+ cards). In this game, Evolution added four side bet options, and you’ll find all these fields to place your stake below on the game’s table.

Paidhir sam bith

This betting option is based on the first two cards of your hand. When these two cards form a pair (eg. two Queens), you get paid for this. Moreover, when your pair is suited (eg. two Aces of Diamonds), the payout amount is different, which makes such combinations even more attractive.


Here, the combination will be formed of your first two cards and the dealer’s up-card. Your goal is to get certain poker combinations, and the more valuable they are, the better your reward:

  • Suite Trips: an identical triplet of, for example, three tens of Spades
  • Straight Flush: you need to get cards of the same suit and in numerical sequence (eg. eight, nine, and ten of Diamonds)
  • Trì de sheòrsa: you get three cards of the same value (eg. three Queens) yet of different suits
  • Straight: it’s the numerical sequence yet with different suits (eg. four of Clubs, five of Hearts, and six of Diamonds)
  • Flush: these are non-sequential cards in the same suit (eg. five, ten, and Ace of Spades)

Hot 3

Another side bet of the Free Bet Blackjack live casino game is Hot 3. This bet allows gamblers to bet on the three card combinations, considering the first two cards and the one dealer’s open card. These combinations are different from the 21 + 3 option and are based on certain totals of these hands:

  • Total 19: eg. five of Diamonds, ten of Hearts, and four of Spades
  • Total 20: eg. six of Hearts, nine of Diamonds, and five of Clubs
  • Total 21 (suited): eg. seven of Hearts, ten of Hearts, and four of Hearts
  • Total 21 (unsuited): eg. seven of Spades, ten of Diamonds, and four of Hearts
  • 7-7-7: eg. seven of Diamonds, seven of Spades, and seven of Clubs

Bust e

You bet that the dealer’s hand value will exceed 21 and it busts. Please note that this bet is pushed when a player has Blackjack. Payouts for this bet depend on the number of cards the dealer busts with, and the more cards, the larger the reward. The betting option starts from busting with 3 cards and comes up to 8+ cards.

Free Bet Blackjack house edge & payouts

You will like the game for its unusual gaming model and lots of betting options with different potential rates. But the Free Bet Blackjack house edge should also be considered, as well as the RTP for these betting options. Actually, the higher the RTP, the lower the house edge, and in this game, the RTP is somewhat lower by default due to the dealer’s opportunity to have a push when busting and getting 22. However, chances of having free bets and high potential payouts for side bets let players win a lot here.

Potential payouts

In the main game, Free Bet Blackjack by Evolution pays 3:2 for a blackjack combination as the first hand and 1:1 as any other winning hand. In case of insurance and the dealer’s blackjack, you get paid 2:1. When it comes to side bets, their payouts vary a lot and depend on both the bet type and the outcome:

  • Paidhir sam bith
    You get 8:1 for any pair and 25:1 when it’s a suited pair.
  • 21 + 3
    For a Flush, you get 5:1. Higher payouts of 10:1, 30:1, 40:1, and 100:1 are provided for Straight, Three of a Kind, Straight Flush, and Suited Trips.
  • Hot 3
    Here, live online casino players can count on payouts of 1:1, 2:1, 4:1, 20:1, and 100:1 for Total 19, Total 20, Total 20 unsuited, Total 21 suited, and 7-7-7 results.
  • Bust e
    For these side bets, payouts are provided according to the number of cards with which the dealer busts. You’ll get 1:1, 2:1, 9:1, 50:1, 100:1, and 250:1 for the dealer busting with 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8+ cards.

Live Free Bet Blackjack RTP

Besides Blackjack Free Bet odds, players who want to understand potential payouts should consider the game’s RTP. The optimal theoretical payout percentage here depends on the bets you place, so it will be lower for side bets and higher for the main game:

  • Blackjack: 98.45% (based on the first hand in the shoe)
  • Any Pair bet: 95.90%
  • 21 + 3: 96.30%
  • Hot 3: 94.60%
  • Bust It: 94.12%

Considering this rate, some side bets don’t look so bad, especially due to their potential, and can be compared to a good online slot. For example, the 96.30% RTP for 21+3 is quite high, and the payout potential, in this case, varies from 5:1 to 100:1, though the best RTP of 98.45% is available in cases when your risks are minimised, and the house edge is as low as 1.55%. 

Just consider that the Free Bet Blackjack odds here are still quite low (because the dealer’s hand worth 22 is now a push, instead of being a player win) compared to standard blackjack games where you experience an RTP of over 99% to keep the house edge much below average.

Free Bet Blackjack strategy: Basic strategy & options by risk levels

The Evolution live casino provider did its best to create a game with simple rules and understandable mechanics. However, to master the game and not let the house edge increase dramatically, it’s worth following the Free Bet Blackjack strategy and planning your bankroll and gaming style according to your budget.

Live Free Bet Blackjack basic strategy

There is no secret that Free Bet Blackjack vs Blackjack odds are different since the standard version doesn’t have exceptions like free bets and the dealer’s push at 22. Thus, the standard version has better payout parameters, but the Free Bet version has larger potential rewards due to a range of extra options. At any rate, when following the blackjack basic strategy and considering some basic tips, the house edge will be minimised:

  • When it comes to free bet options, you should split in nearly all cases, except for your pair of fives where it’s better to use the free double option and a pair of tens when it’s better to stand
  • Traditionally, consider the difference between soft and hard combinations since your hand worth 14 with an Ace will be much safer when hitting, compared to the hard 14 when you can easily bust
  • With hands of hard 17 or soft 20 (A + nine), you should always stand
  • Don’t be afraid to hit when your hard total is five to eight

Low-risk Free Bet Blackjack strategy

Let’s consider the $50 bankroll for newbies and low-rollers. In this case, you shouldn’t focus on side bets and spend no more than 5% to 10% per round. For example, you can place ten standard bets in the main game worth $5 per round, and if there is an opportunity to Split or Double for free, don’t miss these options.

Medium-risk Free Bet Blackjack strategy

Here, we’ll proceed from the $100 bankroll and betting limits of 10% to 15% of your bankroll. Thus, you can have at least ten rounds worth $10 per spin. This $10 amount can be divided into several options to cover not only the main bet game but also at least one side bet (Hot 3 and Any Pair look quite attractive for newbies).

High-risk Free Bet Blackjack strategy

In this case, we’ll consider a quite large $1000 bankroll for high rollers. Try to activate several or even all side bets and have your bet per round at a rate of about 15% to 20%. For example, you can have 50 rounds worth $20 per round, where at least half your bet is distributed between the available side bets.

Betting systems

Unlike strategies where you rely on a current game situation, your cards, and basic rules, here, you just follow a certain sequence to track your bets and results in the long run. These systems are suitable for basic gameplay and shouldn’t be combined with side bets. Plus, you should always play responsibly and remember that none of these bets can beat the house edge in the long run. These are the most popular betting systems for live blackjack casino games:

  • Martingale
  • Fibonacci
  • Parolli
  • D’Alambert

Free Bet Blackjack Casinos: What Things to Consider

On our site, you can find Free Bet Blackjack casinos that not only meet the industry’s standards but have also been checked by our experts, including the detailed terms and the performance while playing on different devices. You can opt for this rating or use these tips to play an online gambling site with a focus on live dealer software:

  • Check the gaming library
    When you access Blackjack Free Bet, it’s awesome, but it’s much better when the site has some more games, including other Evolution products and live online casino software from other brands.
  • Consider bonus terms
    Bonus offers for live software are really infrequent, but even when you find ones, make sure that you are happy with the wager since it can exceed 800x due to game contribution (eg. 5% for live games).
  • Explore payment options
    To play for real money, check available payment options and make sure that you find the limits suitable. If interested in fast and anonymous payments, try cryptocurrency casino banking options like Bitcoin.
  • Examine general terms
    Besides things connected with live online gambling, consider some general aspects, such as the casino’s licensing, restricted countries, responsible gambling tools, and deposit turnover before a withdrawal.
  • Test mobile gaming
    Evolution is one of the leaders when it comes to mobile-optimised software, but your online casino should also meet these standards, so test the mobile casino version on different iOS and Android devices. 

Evolution provider: review & popular games

By entering the gambling scene in 2006, Evolution made a splash, becoming one of the most desired live suppliers within the first several years. Its games are outpacing thanks to many factors. First of all, the company is built on the skills of experts who rule it and work on different projects. Besides, Evolution acquires large gambling vendors, which speaks for its financial independence and allows the brand to apply unique technologies. Digiwheel’s acquisition in 2021 allowed Evolution to significantly improve its live shows based on money wheels, such as Crazy Time and Funky Time, while NetEnt’s acquisition in 2020 caused the development of the Gonzo’s Treasure Hunt live show based on the popular NetEnt’s Gonzo’s Quest slot. Below, you’ll find the top 5 live online casino games by Evolution.

Blackjack Party by Evolution

When you understand standard casino blackjack rules or have already played live online blackjack in other variations, the rules of this game won’t surprise you. However, its main highlight is the festive atmosphere players enjoy during the game. The dealer, or even several dealers within the same session, will listen to music, sing, and do lots of other things to entertain players while hosting a live blackjack game with several side bets, an infinite number of seats, excellent stream quality, and the Bet Behind option.

Funky Time by Evolution

It’s a new yet legendary Evolution’s live show launched in 2023. This online casino game is unique since you access not only a classic wheel with multipliers but also four mini-games with extra bonuses and cartoon characters hosting each. ‘Around 100 people were involved in getting Funky Time live’, said Todd Haushalter, Evolution’s Chief Product Officer. Try to get the most valuable cocktail in the Bonus Bar mini-game and let Mr Funky walk on a 63-square dance floor for as long as possible in the VIP Disco Bonus game!

Immersive Roulette by Evolution

This real dealer casino game variation was launched in 2013, but players still keep on enjoying this type. Due to numerous HD (High Definition) cameras and random auto-camera sequences, the 200 frames-per-second live video captures each and every movement of the ball, providing players with high-quality close-up views and slot motion replays. Thus, you enjoy realistic and pleasant to-the-eye gameplay with visual effects. In 2014, Evolution won Game Of The Year with this catchy multi-camera title.

Monopoly Live by Evolution

In 2021, Evolution launched one of its most mind-blowing money-wheel-based live shows. Monopoly Live is based on both the concept of a traditional wheel with multipliers and a 3D mini-game where you see a virtual character walking on the board with prizes, so the longer his way, the higher the rewards. Basically, players deal with 54 segments of the wheel where 1x, 2x, 5x, and 10x multipliers are combined with ‘Chance’, ‘2 Rolls’, and ‘4 Rolls’ segments to get random rewards or enter the bonus round.

Lightning Roulette by Evolution

Nuair a lorgas tu roulette casino air-loidhne traidiseanta dòrainneach, eadhon nuair a thèid a chluich le neach-reic, is e Lightning Roulette an ath ìre airson feuchainn. Gu bunaiteach, is e Roulette Eòrpach a th ’ann far an urrainn dhut na geall àbhaisteach gu lèir a chuir, ach nuair a thig e gu geall Straight Up, bidh an comas buannachaidh agad ag àrdachadh gu mòr leis gu bheil gach cuairt a’ nochdadh Àireamhan Lucky air an gineadh air thuaiream luach 50x, 100x, 200x, 300x, 400x, no 500x . Is e an tarraing air ais don atharrachadh seo gu bheil Straight Bets neo-iomadaichte a’ pàigheadh 29:1, an taca ris an ìre àbhaisteach 35:1.

Geamannan blackjack beò eile ri chluich air-loidhne

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