Videoslots थेट कॅसिनो

हा कॅसिनो तुमच्या स्थानावरील खेळाडूंना स्वीकारत नाही.
इथे क्लिक करा युनायटेड स्टेट्समधील खेळाडू स्वीकारणारे कॅसिनो तपासण्यासाठी.
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Videoslots थेट कॅसिनो माहिती

🤵 लाइव्ह गेम्स सॉफ्टवेअर: अस्सल गेमिंग, उत्क्रांती, इझुगी, प्लेटेक, Pragmatic Live , Real Dealer Studios
❓ स्थापना: 2011
⚡ यांच्या मालकीचे: Videoslots लिमिटेड
⭐ नियमन: AAMS इटली, डॅनिश जुगार प्राधिकरण, माल्टा गेमिंग प्राधिकरण, स्वीडिश जुगार प्राधिकरण, यूके जुगार आयोग
➡️ ठेव: Apple Pay, Bank Wire Transfer, CashtoCode, Citadel, EcoPayz, Entropay, Euteller, Flexepin, GiroPay, Interac, JCB, Klarna, MasterCard, MiFinity, MuchBetter, Neosurf, Neteller, PayPal, Paysafe कार्ड, Siru Mobile, Skrill Transfer , Trustly, Venus Point, Visa, Zimpler, instaDebit
⬅️ पैसे काढणे: Bank Wire Transfer, CashtoCode, EcoPayz, Entropay, Euteller, Flexepin, GiroPay, Interac, JCB, MasterCard, MiFinity, MuchBetter, Neteller, PayPal, Paysafe Card, Siru Mobile, Skrill, Skrill Rapid Transfer, Sofortuberst, Pointusly Vis , Zimpler, instaDebit
🔥 पैसे काढण्याची मर्यादा: $30,000 प्रति महिना
✅ भाषा: डॅनिश, इंग्रजी, फिनिश, जर्मन, इटालियन, जपानी, नॉर्वेजियन, स्वीडिश
❌ प्रतिबंधित देश: अफगाणिस्तान, अल्जेरिया, अमेरिकन सामोआ, अंगोला, अर्जेंटिना, ऑस्ट्रेलिया, बहामास, बहारीन, बांगलादेश, बेल्जियम, बोस्निया आणि हर्जेगोविना, बोत्सवाना, बल्गेरिया, काँगो, क्युबा, सायप्रस, झेक प्रजासत्ताक, इजिप्त, इरिट्रिया, एस्टोनिया, इथिओपिया, फिजी, फ्रान्स घाना, ग्रीस, गुआम, गयाना, हैती, होली सी, हाँगकाँग, इराण, इराक, इस्रायल, इटली, जॉर्डन, कझाकस्तान, केनिया, कुवेत, किर्गिस्तान, लॅटव्हिया, लेबनॉन, लायबेरिया, लिबिया, लिथुआनिया, मोझांबिक, म्यानमार, नेदरलँड, नायजेरिया, उत्तर कोरिया, उत्तर मारियाना बेटे, पाकिस्तान, पॅलेस्टाईन राज्य, पनामा, पापुआ न्यू गिनी, पोलंड, पोर्तो रिको, कतार, रवांडा, रियुनियन, सामोआ, सौदी अरेबिया, सेनेगल, सिंगापूर, स्लोव्हाकिया, सोमालिया, स्पेन, श्रीलंका, सुदान , स्वित्झर्लंड, सीरिया, टांझानिया, त्रिनिदाद आणि टोबॅगो, ट्युनिशिया, युगांडा, युक्रेन, संयुक्त अरब अमिराती, युनायटेड स्टेट्स व्हर्जिन बेटे, युनायटेड स्टेट्स ऑफ अमेरिका, वानुआतु, व्हेनेझुएला, व्हिएतनाम, येमेन, झिम्बाब्वे
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येथे खेळ Videoslots थेट कॅसिनो

Videoslots थेट कॅसिनो पुनरावलोकन करा

9000 हून अधिक शीर्षके. तुम्ही Videoslots Casino सदस्य झाल्यावर तुम्ही ही अपेक्षा करू शकता. हा ऑपरेटर ऑनलाइन स्लॉट, प्रगतीशील जॅकपॉट्स, झटपट जिंकण्याचे शीर्षक आणि टेबल गेम ऑफर करतो. आणि या 9000+ शीर्षकांपैकी, थेट कॅसिनो चाहत्यांकडे 580 पेक्षा जास्त शीर्षके आहेत. त्यामध्ये लाइव्ह रूलेट, ब्लॅकजॅक, बॅकरॅट आणि लाइव्ह गेम शो समाविष्ट आहेत. तुम्ही कशासाठी आहात हे शोधण्यासाठी आम्ही लाइव्ह कॅसिनो विभागात सखोल माहिती घेऊ. 

कॅसिनो तुम्हाला $200 पर्यंत 100% डिपॉझिट मॅच ऑफर करतो. शिवाय, तुम्हाला 11 वेज-फ्री वेलकम स्पिन देखील मिळतात. तुमच्याकडे चालू असलेल्या जाहिराती आणि स्पर्धांद्वारे तुमचे बँकरोल वाढवण्याच्या अधिक संधी देखील असतील. येथे खेळताना काळजी करू नका, ऑपरेटरकडे असलेल्या अनेक परवान्यांमुळे धन्यवाद. व्हिडिओस्लॉट्स लिमिटेडला MGA, UKGC, SGA (स्वीडन) आणि DGA (डेनमार्क) कडून परवाने मिळाले आहेत, फक्त काही उल्लेख करण्यासाठी. आमचे सखोल व्हिडिओस्लॉट कॅसिनो पुनरावलोकन पेमेंट पद्धती आणि मोबाइल गेमप्ले देखील एक्सप्लोर करेल. 

Videoslots कॅसिनो मध्ये ठेव पर्याय

व्हिडिओस्लॉट्स कॅसिनो खेळाडूंना निवडण्यासाठी ठेव पद्धतींची विस्तृत श्रेणी देते. तथापि, या पर्यायांमधील एक लक्षणीय अनुपस्थिती म्हणजे क्रिप्टोकरन्सी. असे म्हटल्यावर, तुम्ही व्हिसा, मास्टरकार्ड, ट्रस्टली, स्क्रिल, नेटेलर, पेपल, पेसेफेकार्ड आणि झिम्पलर यासारख्या फिएट पद्धती वापरू शकता, फक्त काही उल्लेख करण्यासाठी. परंतु हे लक्षात घेण्यासारखे आहे की आपण किती पर्याय पहाल हे आपल्या राहत्या देशावर अवलंबून आहे. 

किमान ठेव रक्कम $10 आहे, तर कमाल रक्कम तुमच्या पेमेंट पद्धतीवर अवलंबून असते. तथापि, आम्ही निवडलेल्या बहुतेक पद्धती प्रति व्यवहार $10,000 पर्यंत स्वीकारतात. लक्षात घ्या की सर्व ठेवी विनामूल्य आणि त्वरित आहेत. 

Videoslots कॅसिनो मध्ये पैसे काढण्याचे पर्याय

वर सूचीबद्ध केलेल्या बहुतेक ठेव पद्धतींद्वारे तुम्ही तुमचे जिंकलेले पैसे काढू शकता. त्यामध्ये बँक कार्ड, ई-वॉलेट्स आणि बँक ट्रान्सफर यांचा समावेश आहे. तुम्ही हे पर्याय वापरून प्रति व्यवहार $20 इतके थोडे पैसे काढू शकता. याउलट, कॅसिनो तुम्हाला प्रति व्यवहार $10,000 पर्यंत पैसे काढण्याची परवानगी देतो. तथापि, बोर्डाच्या आवश्यकतेनुसार, खेळाडूंनी त्यांची पहिली पैसे काढण्याची विनंती सबमिट करण्यापूर्वी सत्यापन प्रक्रिया (KYC) पूर्ण करणे आवश्यक आहे. विडस्लॉट्समध्ये ही प्रक्रिया तयार करणारे तीन टप्पे आहेत. 

प्रथम, आपण आपली ओळख सिद्ध करणे आवश्यक आहे. हे करण्यासाठी, तुम्ही तुमच्या ओळखपत्राची प्रत अपलोड करणे आवश्यक आहे. पुढे, तुम्हाला तुमचा पत्ता सिद्ध करणे आवश्यक आहे; तुम्ही बँक स्टेटमेंट किंवा युटिलिटी बिल अपलोड करू शकता. तथापि, दस्तऐवजात तुमचे पूर्ण नाव आणि पत्ता दर्शविणे आवश्यक आहे. शिवाय, ते तीन महिन्यांपेक्षा जुने नसावे. 

शेवटी, तुम्ही तुमची पेमेंट पद्धत सिद्ध करणे आवश्यक आहे. तुम्ही बँक कार्ड वापरत असल्यास, कार्ड क्रमांकाचे पहिले चार आणि शेवटचे 6 अंक दर्शविणारी कार्डची प्रतिमा अपलोड करा. परंतु तुम्ही eWallet वापरत असल्यास, तुमचे नाव कुठे आहे ते डॅशबोर्ड दाखवणारी प्रतिमा अपलोड करा. 

Videoslots मोबाइल कॅसिनो

व्हिडिओस्लॉट्स कॅसिनो सदस्यांकडे ते डाउनलोड करू शकतील असे मोबाइल ॲप नाही. तथापि, कॅसिनो सफारी, फायरफॉक्स आणि क्रोम सारख्या मोबाइल वेब ब्राउझरद्वारे प्रवेशयोग्य आहे. HTML5 तंत्रज्ञानाचा वापर वेबसाइट केवळ भिन्न स्क्रीन आकारांवरच नव्हे तर iOS आणि Android-संचालित उपकरणांवर देखील प्रतिसाद देणारी असल्याचे सुनिश्चित करते. 

वेबसाइटचे लेआउट डेस्कटॉप आवृत्ती ऑफर करते त्यासारखे आहे. लक्षवेधी तपशीलांपैकी एक म्हणजे फिल्टर सिस्टम. तुम्ही RTP, श्रेण्या, गेमचा प्रकार, गेममधील वैशिष्ट्ये, अस्थिरता, बेट आकार आणि गेम प्रदात्यांनुसार गेम फिल्टर करू शकता, फक्त काही उल्लेख करण्यासाठी. शीर्षस्थानी उजवीकडे हॅम्बर्गर मेनू ग्राहक समर्थन आणि बोनससह साइटच्या विविध विभागांमध्ये प्रवेश प्रदान करतो. स्क्रीनच्या तळाशी एक फ्लोटिंग मेनू आहे जो लॉगिन आणि नोंदणी बटणे प्रदान करतो. 

खेळांच्या संदर्भात, खेळाडू अजूनही समान संख्येच्या शीर्षकांमध्ये प्रवेश करू शकतात (9000+). त्यामध्ये स्लॉट्स, टेबल गेम्स आणि जॅकपॉट गेम्सचा समावेश आहे. जोपर्यंत तुमच्याकडे स्थिर इंटरनेट कनेक्शन आहे आणि तोपर्यंत लाइव्ह डीलर गेम्स देखील सुरळीतपणे कार्य करतात 

Videoslots कॅसिनोमध्ये थेट गेम प्रदाता

जगभरातील अनेक ऑनलाइन कॅसिनो थेट डीलर गेमची श्रेणी देतात. आणि Videoslots कॅसिनो त्यापैकी एक आहे. उद्योगातील काही शीर्ष गेम प्रदात्यांसह भागीदारीसह ऑपरेटरने या विभागात मोठ्या प्रमाणात गुंतवणूक केली आहे. हे विक्रेते अत्याधुनिक तंत्रज्ञानाचा वापर करतात, जसे की लाइव्ह एचडी स्ट्रीमिंग आणि रिअल-टाइम चॅट सेवा, खेळाडूंना सर्वोत्तम आणि उत्कृष्ट जुगाराचा अनुभव मिळावा याची खात्री करण्यासाठी. लकीस्ट्रीक, इव्होल्यूशन, इझुगी आणि प्लेटेक हे काही शीर्ष प्रदाते तुम्हाला भेटतील. एकत्रितपणे, हे विक्रेते 580 पेक्षा जास्त थेट डीलर शीर्षके पुरवतात. आम्ही खाली यापैकी काही विक्रेत्यांचे अन्वेषण करतो. 

Real Dealer Studios

This game studio takes a different path to live dealer gaming. Real Dealer offers players semi-live titles by fusing RNG gameplay with Hollywood-style filmmaking. The developer pre-records video clips and integrates them with an RNG framework. Players can look forward to Hollywood quality regarding sound and visuals. Add the gameplay aspect and video streaming, and you can expect engaging gambling. Furthermore, the games feature dealers for one-on-one engagements free of distractions and noise. Some titles in the developer’s catalogue include Spooky Roulette, Real Auto Roulette, and Ultimate Blackjack with Olivia. 


Evolution, a pioneering force in the iGaming industry, embarked on its journey in 2006. Renowned for its groundbreaking live dealer games, the company revolutionised online casino experiences by seamlessly merging real-world casino ambience with cutting-edge technology. With an impressive array of live dealer offerings spanning classic table games like blackjack, roulette, and baccarat, Evolution captivates players with immersive, high-definition streaming and interaction with professional dealers.

Evolution’s ingenuity shines through its innovative live game shows, where engaging concepts like Dream Catcher and Monopoly Live blend chance and entertainment. Powered by state-of-the-art studios and cutting-edge technology, Evolution consistently raises the bar, ensuring that players across the globe indulge in unparalleled, authentic, and interactive casino encounters.


Started in 2014, LuckyStreak offers top-of-the-line live dealer gaming products. The company is popular for scaling new heights in the live dealer industry by combining style and innovation. Ultimately, this recipe delivers an exciting and unique gaming experience. The game library by LuckyStreak uses the latest gamification and technology to provide the best user interface. Additionally, you can personalise the gaming experience by choosing a preferred dealer who speaks your language. 


This is another top game provider in the live dealer casino industry. Ezugi delivers interactive gaming titles to operators worldwide, but it was acquired by Evolution in 2018. Players who choose games from this developer are in for quality live streaming, professional croupiers to guide players through the action, and specifically-designed studios for the best gaming experience. Furthermore, you can participate in multiplayer gaming, allowing one table to host several players simultaneously. Other exciting features in certain games by the developer include tipping dealers, adding live music on demand, and playing games in PiP (Picture in Picture). 

Live roulette in Videoslots Casino

Videoslots Casino has done well in this category. Players have plenty of options apart from the traditional live roulette games. However, these unique variants follow traditional live roulette gameplay despite including added features. American Roulette, European Roulette, and French Roulette are the standard versions you will come across. The last two types feature a single-zero pocket and a lower house edge at 2.70%. Take a look at some of the unique versions available in the lobby. 

Ultimate Roulette

Ezugi is the game provider behind this exciting title. Players in this game can bag wins of up to 2000x. Ultimate Roulette takes classic roulette and adds multipliers to boost your bankroll. This is how it works. After placing your wager, up to five numbers will be picked randomly and assigned random multipliers, which could reach 1000x. You will see the multipliers highlighted on the betting grid, and the presenter will announce them. 

Furthermore, you have the chance to buy three more multipliers per round. You can also spread and expand the multipliers to up to three neighbours on the grid. These multipliers can hit 11 Lucky numbers, and the payouts are multiplied in every round. It gets even better in the game, as you can double your multiplier. This means you can land up to 2000x your bet. 

क्वांटम एक प्रकारचा जुगाराचा खेळ

Like most of the live roulette variants, European Roulette is the baseline used in this game. That means the wheel has one zero pocket and a high RTP of 97.3%. But the multipliers make this Playtech game stand out from the bunch. You can get up to 5 multipliers at random added to numbers on the playing area through a random number generator. These multipliers range between 50x and 500x. But they increase by 50x. 

The Playtech game includes exciting features such as the Quantum Leap and the Quantum Boost. In the Quantum Leap, the random multipliers can be doubled or tripled up to 500x. On the other hand, the Quantum Boost boosts a random multiplier with a 50x multiplier. Note that you can activate both bonuses randomly. 

Live blackjack in Videoslots Casino

Blackjack ranks as the most popular table game at land-based and online casinos. That’s because the game is easy to learn and play. The game requires a combination of luck and strategy. And like live roulette, Videoslots Casino has a diverse collection of live blackjack titles. That includes games played with one, two, four, six, or eight decks of 52 cards. However, the objective remains to form a hand whose value is as close to 21 as possible without going over. Some of the variants in the lobby are Infinite Blackjack, Salon Prive, Power Blackjack, and Speed Blackjack. 

Infinite Blackjack

Live Infinite Blackjack is an Evolution product where an unlimited number of players can join the table. That means you don’t have to wait for a seat. The game also comes with a 99.47% RTP. 

It’s worth noting the game is played using the traditional blackjack rules. These rules include Split, Double, and Hit, not forgetting buying insurance and the dealer standing on soft 17. However, the game employs the rare Six Card Charlie rule. With this rule, a player can have six cards without going over 21, which means you’ll be the winner even if the dealer lands a Blackjack. Furthermore, the game has four side bets. They are Hot 3, Bust It, 21+3, and Any Pair. Of course, these side bets have their RTPs. 

पॉवर Blackjack

Like Infinite Blackjack, Power Blackjack is from Evolution and allows an unlimited number of players to join a table. This exciting game comes with unique and interesting betting options. Some include Quadruple, Triple, or Double Down on any of the first cards. And you can do this after splitting. 

While you can play Power Blackjack with eight decks, each deck will have the 9 and 10 cards removed. However, the face cards will remain. As such, the number of cards used in the game is 64 or fewer. Consequently, this allows players to implement new strategies. If J, Q, or K is the dealer’s up-card, the dealer can check the card facing down for an Ace to check for a blackjack. Again, like Infinite Blackjack, this variation features the Hot 3, Bust It, 21+3, and Any Pair side bets. However, it doesn’t have the Six Card Charlie rule. 

Live baccarat in Videoslots Casino

Baccarat is another fan favourite, and Videoslots Casino stocks plenty of titles to choose from. That includes the standard version and unique choices that come with interesting features. However, your goal is to predict whose hand will have the highest value (the players or the banker). But the game could also end in a tie. We’ve explored two unique titles Videoslots offers.

गोल्डन वेल्थ Baccarat

This baccarat variant by Evolution uses the same rules as the traditional baccarat (8 decks of cards). Furthermore, there’s a 5% commission drawn from the Banker wins. However, the biggest difference is including multiplier cards in every round. This can boost your winnings by up to 512x on Player or Banker. Furthermore, the Tie has a 5:1 payout, but it can go up to $1,000,000. 

Another interesting game feature is the 20% fee added to the bet amount. This fee is added after betting is closed, and it’s the cost of entering the Golden Round. The Golden Round is where five Golden cards are picked, and multipliers are added. These multipliers are 2x, 3x, 5x, and 8x. 

Baccarat Super 6

The Super 6 Baccarat game by Ezugi follows the game’s standard rules. However, the biggest difference is including the Super 6 side bet. This option allows you to bet on the banker winning with a card value of 6. Furthermore, this side bet offers lucrative odds of 12:1. 

The game is streamed live and in HD from studios in Colombia. Another feature of the game that makes it worthwhile is its unlimited seats. That means you can join the table anytime without worrying about finding a seat. The Super 6 side bet may offer good odds but comes with a 70% RTP. 

Live shows in Videoslots Casino

Apart from the standard table games offered in the live casino section, Videoslots has gone the extra mile to include live shows. These games combine TV-style shows with gambling through RNGs to offer something unique and entertaining. The operator offers over 20 titles in this section, including Deal or No Deal, Mega Wheel, and Monopoly Live. 

वेडा वेळ

This live game show is an Evolution release launched in July 2020. The game features similar aspects included in the Wheel of Fortune and Dream Catcher games. One such aspect is using a giant spinning wheel; players can trigger bonus rounds. Your objective is to predict and bet on which segment the wheel lands on after it stops winning.

However, the bonus games are the main attraction of the game. Crazy Time has four bonus games. You have the Cash Hunt round that features 108 different multipliers. Coin Flip is the other round, where you flip a coin to reveal a red or blue side. Each side has a multiplier. Crazy Time is the third bonus, with 64 segments on the wheel. Your job here is to pick one of the three flappers on the wheel to determine which segment you’ll get once the wheel stops. 

Finally, there’s the Pachinko round. The objective is to drop the ball and let it go through the pachinko machine. At the bottom of the machine are multiplier values, and your payout will be where the ball lands. 

मक्तेदारी लाइव्ह 

Monopoly Live is also a variant of the Wheel of Fortune game Dream Catcher by Evolution. It, too, has a 54-segment wheel, but 48 of them are labelled with only four digits (1, 2, 5, and 10). The remaining six segments make the game interesting and distinguish it from other game shows in this genre. ‘CHANCE’ parts provide instant cash and multipliers. Then there are the ‘2ROLLS’ and ‘4ROLLS’ sections. The final two portions initiate an enthralling bonus round where participants navigate a virtual Monopoly board to win prizes. 

Welcome bonuses in Videoslots Casino

After signing up on the site, Videoslots Casino will offer you a welcome bonus to help you get off the ground. The welcome bonus is a 100% deposit match of up to $200. That means you will receive $100 if you deposit $100 to take your total balance to $200. 

But as you might have expected, the bonus has certain strings attached. One is the $10 minimum deposit required to qualify for the bonus. Second, you must meet the 35x wagering requirement imposed on the initial deposit amount. And you must do this within 60 days of activating the bonus. A keen aspect is that the bonus is usable on casino games, including live dealer titles. 

Regular bonuses in Videoslots Casino

In addition to the welcome offer, you can enjoy several ongoing promotions. One such offer is the Wheel of Jackpots, where you stand to win one of the three jackpots (Mega, Major, or Minor). You can spin the wheel when you play any game in the casino’s lobby. 

Tournaments in Videoslots Casino 

You can also participate in an array of tournaments. However, we recommend checking the available competitions since they are time-sensitive. Clash of Spins is one of the recurring tournaments on the site. 

Loyalty program in Videoslots Casino

Videoslots Casino has a Comp Point program to reward loyal players. As you play for real money on the site, you will complete various achievements. Along with completing these achievements, you will also earn Experience Points (XP). The more XPs you earn, the more trophies you receive. These trophies will earn you cash rewards, landing additional spins in the Clash of Spins, extra spins, deposit bonuses, and more. 

XPs are earned when you place wagers on jackpot games, slots, and live dealer games. However, the RTPs of specific games will determine the number of points you earn. For instance, a game with 96% RTP will reward you with 1 XP, while a game with 95% RTP will award you 1.25 XP. Every 0.01% over 96% RTP of a specific game gives 0.25% less contribution, and every 0.01% under 96% RTP gives 0.25% extra to the contribution of the XP.

Summary to Videoslots Casino

There’s no denying Videoslots Casino offers online gamblers a mind-blowing range of titles. And that includes over 580 live dealer releases and game shows. The casino’s partnership with top developers such as Evolution, Playtech, and Ezugi ensures top-quality gameplay. Add a welcome bonus, and you have solid ground to build your adventure in the lobby. Speaking of gameplay, we loved the mobile version. Players can enjoy their favourite live casino games while on the move, regardless of the screen size or the operating system. Furthermore, the casino works with various payment methods, including bank cards, eWallets, vouchers, and bank transfers, all available on mobile too. Add multiple licences and comprehensive customer support; Videoslots Casino should be on your must-explore list.

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