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MB8 Live Casino āļāļāļāļ§āļ
Previously known as MyBet88, MB8 Casino is an established online gambling platform that has been in operation since 2013. The online casino provides an extensive sportsbook and remarkable casino services worldwide. It is licenced and regulated by the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR), meaning MB8 is a legal platform, and your data and funds are safe from unauthorised access. The online casinoâs game catalogue is powered by 20+ reputable software providers, such as Spade Gaming, Habanero, Playân GO, JDB Gaming, Nextspin, Fa Chai Gaming, Pgsoft, Kingmaker, etc. With such a vast number of vendors, itâs no surprise that the operatorâs library is well-loaded with different online casino games, including online slots, table games, fish games, and arcade games.
For players who like the thrill of playing in real-time, MB8 Casino provides 100+ live casino games run by real-life dealers, giving you an authentic experience similar to a real casino. The live casino in this online casino is powered by over ten well-known studios, such as Pragmatic Play, Evolution, Ezugi, Playtech, etc.
Payment options in MB8 Casino
Regarding payments, MB8 Casino is an excellent choice for players who prefer transacting through various banking options, as the online casino accepts payments through fiat and crypto methods. Fiat payments can be performed through the following alternatives:
- āļāļĩāļāļĩāđāđāļāļĒāđ
- āļāļĩāđāļāļĒāđ
- āđāļāļāđāļāļīāļāļāđāļēāļāļāļāļēāļāļēāļĢ
For crypto payments, MB8 Casino processes all transactions through Coin2Pay, a third-party payment service provider. The supported tokens include:
- Tether (USDT)
- Binance Coin (BNB)
- Ethereum (ETH)
- Tron (TRX)
- Binance IDR (BIDR)
- Miner USDT (MUSDT)
- Matic Network (MATIC)
The minimum deposit for all fiat banking methods is $1.5. However, the minimum allowed deposit amount for the cryptocurrencies isnât indicated. Moreover, the online operator does not impose any charges for processing deposits. However, some banking options may include an additional amount for processing the transactions. As for minimum and maximum withdrawal limits, you must verify your registered phone number to access the cashout feature.
Types of wallets in MB8 Casino
One notable feature of this online casino is that there are two categories of wallets in your player account, i.e., main wallet and game provider wallet. The main wallet stores your credit balance when you deposit or before submitting a payout request. On the other hand, the game provider wallet, also known as a game wallet, is used for all gambling-related transactions. To start real money gambling, you must transfer funds from your main wallet to the game wallet. Please note that each software provider is assigned an individual wallet, meaning youâll be presented with multiple game wallets, and you must choose where to transfer the credits based on the game you want to play and how much you want to use during your gambling session.
Withdrawal t&c in MB8 Casino
You must verify your registered phone number to access the cashout feature and withdraw your winnings. The minimum allowed daily withdrawal amount is $3, whereas the maximum cashout limit is $6200. In addition, MyBet88 has a 1x wagering requirement for all deposits without bonus prior to submitting a cashout request.
Regarding withdrawal times, MB8 Casino is a fast-payout online casino offering a standard processing time of 15 minutes. However, this period can vary depending on how long it takes the game providers to send your betting history to the online operator for validation.
Live game providers in MB8 Casino
With numerous software providers in the online gambling market, MB8 Casino has partnered with top and well-established studios to deliver an unforgettable and authentic experience. Evolution, Pragmatic Play, Playtech, Ezugi, etc., are some reputable vendors that provide over 100 exciting live dealer tables in this online casino. Despite lacking an MB8 casino app, the online operator offers a highly responsive mobile casino accessible through Android and iOS-operated devices.
Therefore, whether you like spinning the roulette wheel, playing card games such as blackjack and baccarat, or trying your luck in live shows, youâll have a remarkable real-time gambling experience from the comfort of your home. As for the limits, the live dealer games in MB8 Casino offer friendly table limits that cater to all sorts of players, ranging from low-budget players to high rollers.
Live roulette in MB8 Casino
Roulette is a classic table casino game that has gone through the test of time, from land-based casinos to the introduction of online gambling and now live dealer versions. Generally, rouletteâs longevity and popularity can be partly attributed to its simple rules and numerous betting options, which allow players to enjoy the game regardless of their gambling experience. Thanks to the gameâs popularity in the industry, innovative software developers have digitised the wheel game, and you can now play live roulette from the comfort of your home through a desktop site or mobile casino.
In this regard, MB8 Casino offers a good collection of live roulette tables run by real-life dealers who spin actual roulette wheels during gameplay. Although the online casino doesnât have a dedicated section for live roulette titles, you can find the available variants by opening your preferred studioâs page. Some live dealer roulette variants you can enjoy in MB8 Casino include
- PowerUp Roulette (āļāļēāļĢāđāļĨāđāļāđāļāļīāļāļāļāļīāļāļąāļāļī)
- Emporor Roulette (Evolution)
- Diamond Roulette (Ezugi)
- Lucky Ball Roulette (Playtech)
- K-Pop Roulette (Playtech)
Mega Roulette is an exciting title by Pragmatic Play that was introduced to the gambling industry in 2021. The game features a single-zero brightly coloured blue European roulette wheel with 37 alternately coloured pockets and a black backdrop. During a round, you can place the standard European roulette bets (inside, outside, neighbours, and call bets). However, Mega Roulette delivers a slight twist in the gameplay by offering a few one-of-a-kind betting options (Mega Bets) that provide enhanced rewards, significantly boosting your payout odds.
At the beginning of every round, an RNG software randomly selects one to five numbers (Mega Lucky numbers) on the wheel and assigns individual multipliers ranging between 50x and 500x. Therefore, youâll receive the Mega Win if your bet covers any of the selected Mega Lucky numbers. You should note that the multipliers are only applied to straight-up bets, and you can also place group straight-up bets such as Mega Chances, Mega Columns, and Mega Dozens under the Mega Bets option. Additionally, non-lucky straight-up bets offer a lower payout of 29:1 instead of the standard 35:1 payout.
Age of the Gods Roulette
Age of the Gods Roulette is a thrilling roulette variant that blends the elegance of live gambling with a touch of modern RNG gaming mechanics. Released to the gambling market in 2020 by Playtech, the game features a standard European roulette wheel with an additional pocket for the bonus game, offering extra betting opportunities apart from the classic betting options. As the name implies, this live roulette variant is designed based on the popular Age of the Gods online slot machine, and players get to play a bonus round if the ball lands on the additional purple pocket labelled âB.â
The bonus round features a single-line RNG-operated slot machine on the screen behind the dealer, offering massive rewards of up to 300x your initial bet amount. Once triggered, three spins are automatically actioned on the slot machine, with exact symbols as in the actual Age of the Gods slot title, and each symbol features an individual multiplier. If three characters of the same kind appear after a spin, the winning multiplier is displayed, and the cumulative total multipliers of the three spins are then applied to your bet.
Aside from the bonus round, Age of the Gods Roulette also offers a four-level (Power, Extra Power, Super Power, and Ultimate Power) progressive jackpot connected to the slotâs franchise. Each time you place a bet in the game, 0.99% of your stake is deducted, enrolling you into the draw. The jackpot feature is randomly triggered during the bonus round or on any spin in the Age of the Gods slot title.
Live blackjack in MB8 Casino
Like roulette, blackjack is a classic casino table game that has been in the gambling industry for centuries. Also known as 21, the game features simple rules and a straightforward objective, making it an ideal option for novice players with little to no gambling experience. However, this doesnât mean you should join a real-money table straightaway, as the game requires some skill and finesse, which takes a little practice. To deliver an authentic casino experience worldwide, MyBet88 offers numerous live blackjack variants from well-known studios, allowing players to enjoy the game on their desktop devices or through its mobile casino while on the go.
Some live blackjack titles you can enjoy in this online casino include
- āđāļāļĨāļāđāđāļāļĨāđāļāđāļāđāļ (āđāļāļāļđāļāļī)
- āđāļāļĨāđāļāđāļāđāļāđāļĄāđāļĄāļĩāļāļĩāđāļŠāļīāđāļāļŠāļļāļ (āļ§āļīāļ§āļąāļāļāļēāļāļēāļĢ)
- āđāļāļĨāđāļāđāļāđāļāļŦāļāļķāđāļāļāļąāļ (āļāļēāļĢāđāļĨāđāļāđāļāļīāļāļāļāļīāļāļąāļāļī)
- āđāļāļīāļĄāļāļąāļāđāļāļĨāđāļāđāļāđāļāļāļąāđāļāļŦāļĄāļ (Playtech)
- Speed Blackjack (Pragmatic Play, Evolution, and Ezugi)
Majority Rules Speed Blackjack
This is a super-fast version of Playtechâs standard live blackjack variant, delivering a tension-filled gambling experience for players who enjoy the thrill of fast play. However, speed is not the only remarkable feature of the game. Majority Rules Speed Blackjack offers two playing decisions (Majority Vote and Best Strategy), which are invoked per seat depending on the number of players on the betting spot. Like in a classic blackjack game, you can make all decisions, including Hit, Stand, Split, and Double, but this variant has a slight modification.
To begin with, Majority Rules Speed Blackjack features two seats for the playerâs hand, but an unlimited number of players can occupy each seat. Once a round begins, indicators on each spot show how many players have wagered on the main bets and if the requirements to call on the Majority Vote decision are met. Once the cards are dealt on each spot, all the players get to vote on the next move, i.e., players on each seat vote to decide on whether to Hit, Stand, Double, or Split. Afterwards, the most popular move is applied to all players on the seat. If there are two or more moves with equal votes, the Best Strategy decision is applied.
VIP Surrender Blackjack
This is an innovative live blackjack variant designed by Ezugi. As the name implies, the game offers a surrender option during gameplay, delivering an immersive gambling experience with minimised losses. But how does it work? Generally, once the cards have been dealt and the dealerâs first card is an Ace, you can decide to play on and wait for the second card reveal or choose the Surrender option. If you surrender, youâll lose half of your bet amount to the online casino, and the other half will be returned to your account balance.
Regarding bet sizes, VIP Surrender Blackjack is designed for high rollers, as it features high minimum bets of $63 and maximum bets of $1500. The game also offers a unique Lucky Ladies side bet, which requires you to bet on the outcome of the first two cards dealt to the playerâs hand. If you are lucky, you can receive a massive payout of 100:1.
Live baccarat in MB8 Casino
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