Metropol Live Casino

Bu kazino sizning joyingizdagi o'yinchilarni qabul qilmaydi.
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Metropol Live Casino
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Metropol Live Casino Ma `lumot

💰 Bonus taklifi: $270
đŸ€” Jonli oÊ»yinlar uchun dasturiy taÊŒminot: BetGamesTV, Jonli 5 oÊ»yin, Pragmatik jonli, Spribe, Religa
❓ Tashkil etilgan: 2002
⚡ Muallif: Realm Entertainment Limited
⭐ Nizom: Malta o'yin idorasi
âžĄïž Depozit: Bank o'tkazmasi, Jeton, Mastercard, MiFinity, Visa
âŹ…ïž Olib tashlash: Bank o'tkazmasi, MiFinity
đŸ”„ Pul olish limiti: $10,000
✅Tillar: Ingliz, turk
📞 Qo'llab-quvvatlash: Aloqa shakli

O'yinlar Metropol Live Casino

Metropol Live Casino Ko‘rib chiqish

Qiziqarli onlayn qimor sarguzashtlari uchun Casino Metropol mutlaq marvariddir! Ishonchli Malta oʻyin idorasi tomonidan 2002 yildan buyon yigirma yildan ortiq vaqtdan beri litsenziyalangan bu joy sizni hayratga soladigan qiziqarli oʻyinlarga toʻla. Minglab onlayn slotlar, o'nlab blackjack, poker va ruletka stollari, shuningdek, 100+ jonli o'yinlar mavjud. Oddiy qilib aytganda, hayajonlanish va dam olish uchun juda ko'p imkoniyatlar mavjud.

Va bu faqat onlayn kazino o'yinlari emas. Sport tikish imkoniyatlari ham mavjud, shuning uchun ko'zni qamashtiruvchi va yurakni hayratda qoldiradigan yaxshi vaqtlarga tayyorlaning. Lekin Casino Metropol o'z-o'zidan ajoyib bo'lmadi. Ular ushbu shirin tarkibni taklif qilish uchun Evolution va Play'n GO kabi ace studiyalari bilan hamkorlik qilishdi. O'nlab yillar davomida onlayn kazinolarni boshqargan bu ekipaj zamonaviy qimor o'yinchilari nimani xohlashini biladi. Casino Metropol Turkiya bozoriga yo'naltirilgan va asosiy valyuta sifatida TL va Evrodan foydalanadi. Shunga qaramay, ushbu sharhdagi barcha pul qiymatlari AQSh dollarida ko'rsatiladi. Ushbu raqamli o'yin maydonchasi har safar nimaga ega ekanligini tekshiring!

Casino Metropolda depozit imkoniyatlari

Onlayn qimor o'yinlari sanoatida kuchayib borayotgan raqobat sharoitida Casino Metropol Turkiya qimor bozoriga e'tibor qaratgan holda o'zining noyob o'ziga xosligini o'yib chiqdi. Ko'rib turganingizdek, hozirda mavjud bo'lgan depozit usullarining aksariyati ushbu mamlakatda mashhur. Ular kam bo'lishi mumkin, lekin ular juda kuchli va hisob balansingizni tezlashtirishadi.

Bu yerdagi bank xizmatlarining aksariyat opsiyalari tez va ishonchli: ular hisobingizga naqd pulni tezda yuklaydi. Faqat ma'lumotlarni kiriting va mablag'larning muammosiz aylanishini tomosha qiling. Ushbu onlayn kazino ko'rib chiqish vaqtida mavjud depozit variantlari: 

  • Viza: Min $10, Maks $500
  • Mastercard: $10—$1000
  • MEFETE: $10—$1000
  • PepPara: $2—$500
  • Papara: $2—$500
  • Hayhay: $2—$100
  • Jeton: $5—$10 000
  • Jet Havale: $5—$1000
  • Kolay Havale: $2—$1000
  • VIP Havale: $10—$1000
  • Bank o'tkazmasi: $10—$2000
  • Paykwik: $5—$1000
  • Maestro: $10—$1000
  • Troya: $2—$189
  • Paycell: $2—$500

Barcha depozit operatsiyalari bir zumda amalga oshiriladi. Istisno faqat bank o'tkazmalari bo'lib, ularning sehrli ishlashi uchun 30 daqiqagacha vaqt ketishi mumkin. Lekin bu sizning hisobingizni oziqlantirishga va ichki omadni bo'shatishga xalaqit bermasin. 

Bundan tashqari, to'lovlar olinishi mumkin. Bu ishlatiladigan to'lov usuliga bog'liq bo'ladi. Barcha ma'lumotlar kassir bo'limida mavjud. Afsuski, bu erda Bitcoin yoki Ethereum kabi kriptolar qabul qilinmaydi.

Casino Metropolda pul olish imkoniyatlari

Casino Metropol-dan pul olish silliq va og'riqsizdir. Depozitlar singari, variantlar ham cheklangan bo'lib tuyulishi mumkin, ammo mavjud usullar mushtni to'playdi. Yutuqlaringizni yig'ish uchun yechib olish belgisiga teging va o'z vaqtida hisobingizga tushgan mablag'ni tomosha qiling. Quyida har bir yechib olish usuli uchun naqd pul chiqarish imkoniyatlari va cheklovlarini ko'rib chiqing:

  • Bank o'tkazmasi: $250—$10 000
  • MEFETE: $2—$1000
  • PepPara: $2—$500
  • Papara: $2—$500
  • Paycell: $2—$200
  • Hayhay: $2—$200
  • Jeton: $10—$3000

Pulni yechib olish chegaralari har bir toʻlovdan soʻng darhol tiklanadi, shuning uchun siz oʻsha naqd pullarni yoqishda davom etishingiz mumkin. Bundan tashqari, bu erda naqd pul o'tkazish mutlaqo bepul emas. Tranzaktsiya amalga oshirilgandan so'ng kazino foizli to'lov yoki belgilangan miqdorni olishi mumkin. Bu so'rovni yuborishdan oldin qaytarib olish sahifasida aniq ko'rsatilgan.

Muhim pul olish t&c

Yaxshi tomoni shundaki, Casino Metropol-da pul olish nisbatan tez. U 24 soat ichida to'lovlarni amalga oshiradi. Qayta ishlashdan so'ng, elektron hamyonni yechib olish bir zumda amalga oshiriladi, oldindan to'langan kartalar 1—3 kun, bank o'tkazmalari esa 2 kundan 5 kungacha davom etadi. Shunday qilib, sevimli jonli o'yinlaringizni o'ynang va osonlik bilan naqd pul oling. Siz istalgan vaqtda onlayn kazino yutuqlaringizni so'rashingiz mumkin. Biroq, kazino siz hisob egasi ekanligingizni tasdiqlash uchun qonuniy identifikatsiyani talab qilishi mumkin. Bu sizning shaxsiy guvohnomangiz yoki pasportingiz nusxalari kabi hujjatlarni o'z ichiga olishi mumkin. Telefon va yuz tekshiruvi ham talab qilinishi mumkin. Agar yig'ilgan pul mablag'ingiz $2000 ga yetsa, KYC majburiydir.

Pul olishning yana bir muhim sharti shundaki, agar kazino tomonidan boshqacha qaror qabul qilinmasa, siz faqat avval ishlatilgan depozit usuli orqali pul yechib olishingiz mumkin. Agar siz bir nechta toʻlov opsiyalaridan foydalangan boʻlsangiz, kazino yechib olish miqdorini bunday toʻlov usullari boʻyicha taqsimlashi va har biriga alohida ishlov berishi mumkin. Pul yechish vaqtlari siz foydalanadigan variantga asoslangan bo'lsa-da, sizning yutug'ingiz buni bilishingizdan oldin cho'ntagingizga tushadi.

Mobil kazino Metropol

Yo'lda epik onlayn qimor sarguzashtlari uchun Casino Metropolning mobil kazinosi telefoningizga issiqlikni olib keladi. U har qanday o'yin konsolida optimal ishlash uchun mo'ljallangan. Jonli ruletka o'ynash yoki Blackjack dileriga qarshi jang qilish uchun uyga kelguningizcha kutishni unuting. Mobil telefonda oddiy kazino login orqali siz 24/7 jonli harakatga bir zumda chipta olasiz. Shunchaki telefoningizni chiqarib oling va bir necha marta bosish bilan cheksiz jonli oʻyin zavqining raqamli jannatiga shoʻngʻing – ilova kerak emas. Mobil kazinodan nimani kutish mumkin:

  • All your live casino favourites: Blackjack, Roulette, Baccarat, game shows—you name it. This magical mobile live casino has it covered. Any live game, anytime, anywhere.
  • Silky smooth graphics and gameplay: Optimised for iOS and Android, it brings a savoury gaming experience to your device regardless of make or model. It serves buttery performance with every spin and swipe.
  • No installation, no fuss: Log in via a browser and instantly start playing your heart out. It’s quick, easy, and takes zero storage space.

Thanks to gaming gurus like Evolution, this mobile casino feels straight out of the future. Your phone transforms into a virtual paradise of winnings with just a tap. However, remember not all live games in the desktop version are available in the mobile casino.

Live game providers in Casino Metropol

Forget the robotic RNG games. At Casino Metropol’s live casino, real human croupiers are about to deal you in on the real thing, broadcasting live from the casino floor. Watch as slick Vegas pros shuffle cards, spin roulette wheels, and take bets with smooth flair. The tables stream in crisp HD action direct from the studio into your home – no fakes or phonies in this joint. Feel the genuine Vegas vibe flow through your screen, transporting you to virtual casino action regardless of your gaming device.

Give Lady Luck a spin on Roulette wheels that bounce in real-time as you grip your seat in suspense. Or hit up Blackjack and watch the cards flip, sweating every strategic play. With gaming gurus Evolution running the show, the online casino games look and feel authentic from start to finish.

If crash games are your thing, check out Aviator. This Spribe-powered rocket will have your pulse racing as the multiplier climbs at warp speed, delivering epic wins if you eject at the perfect moment.

You’ll also find live gaming glory from BetGamesTV, Religa, Pragmatic Play, and Playtech. Take your pick – real tables, wild game shows, trippy visuals, and more explode to life on-screen in real time. At Metropol’s live casino, every moment is unscripted and unpredictable. You’re guaranteed authentic gameplay and fair outcomes every time. So grab your seat – your dealer is itching to deal you in on a fantastic live gaming trip.

Live roulette in Casino Metropol

Roulette fanatics, prime those wheels and prepare your ears for the magical sound of the bouncing ball. Casino Metropol is packed with a vibrant game suite of live roulette. With over 35 live roulette games like PowerUp Roulette, Gold Vault Roulette, Immersive Roulette, and more, you’re in for a treat. Each virtual wheel is delivered in eye-popping HD graphics with animations smoother than 007 gliding through a Monte Carlo casino. Get your real money and free chips to work – it could be your lucky day.

Table limits are visible even before you click on any live roulette game. Depending on the game, you can bet any amount between $0.04 and $140,000 per round. So, pick your lush roulette table, watch the wheel slide into motion, and feel the rush as that little white ball of destiny spins before landing in your lucky number’s pocket.

Live blackjack in Casino Metropol

Get ready to hit, stand, double down, and collect those winnings because Casino Metropol deals up epic real-time blackjack action across 30 variants. The top games here include

  • Exclusive Free Bet Blackjack
  • Turkish VIP Blackjack
  • Lightning Blackjack
  • Cheksiz Blackjack
  • Barcha garovlar Blackjack
  • Blackjack Diamond VIP

Diverse rules, bets, and dynamics—everything you need for heart-pounding 21 thrills.

With virtual tables open 24/7 and rendered in crisp HD graphics, the live blackjack games on this platform look and feel like sitting in a real casino. Take your spot at the table, watch the dealer shuffle up, and get dealt into some sizzling hot 21s. Whether you’re a card expert or a casual player, Casino Metropol’s live blackjack has a seat waiting just for you. Bets range from $0.4 to $10,000 per round.

Live baccarat in Casino Metropol

Moving on to the next table classic, Casino Metropol is dealing red-hot live baccarat action across multiple exhilarating variants. Play popular versions like Super 6 Baccarat, Golden Baccarat, Golden Wealth Baccarat, Speed Baccarat, and more for thrills in spades. With up to 20 dynamic takes on this online casino game rendered in immersive HD graphics, you’ll be spoiled for choices.

Take a virtual seat, watch the dealer flip those cards, and feel your heart pound as you await that winning hand. Whether you love the classic flow of baccarat or crave faster gameplay, Casino Metropol has a real-time version suited just for you.

The table limits are also accommodative, with bets ranging from $0.07 to $18,000 per round. So, loosen that tie and get ready for edge-of-your-seat baccarat thrills –  live dealers will slide winning hands all day and night.

Live shows in Casino Metropol

For a nonstop party, check out Metropol’s live game shows. Dance to thumping beats and pump your fists as prize wheels spin, hidden jackpots explode, and surprise bonuses unfold in real time. Witty hosts will make you feel like a VIP as you compete in Football Studio Dice, Funky Time, Vegas Ball Bonanza, and more.

When you hit these virtual halls, excitement explodes as you watch those prize wheels spin, uncover hidden jackpots, and experience the rush of competing against others in real time. Pumping music, wild wheel spins, and maximum entertainment await you at Casino Metropol’s live game show section.

Crash games in Casino Metropol

For the lovers of fast-paced games, Casino Metropol has around 20 crash games. Top hits in this section include Spaceman, JetX, Astronaut, and Rocketon. And as soon as new titles are out, the online casino adds them to the list. While there is a ‘crash’ games category, not all titles here are actually crash games. Good examples are Mines and Coin Field. 

The most popular crash game on the platform is Aviator by Spribe. It involves a plane and increasing multipliers that reset once the plane flies away. Your goal as a player is to bet and cash out before it flies away. If you manage to do that, your stake will be multiplied by the coefficient reached at the exact time of cashout. The minimum bet is $0.1 while the maximum is $100. You can place two bets simultaneously. 

Welcome bonuses in Casino Metropol

New players are in for a treat at Casino Metropol. The site offers a generous welcome bonus package to expand your bankroll for fascinating gameplay. It’s multi-tiered and comprises the following packages:

  • 1-omonat: 100% match up to $100 + 300 free spins
  • 2-omonat: 100% match up to $70 + 200 free spins
  • 3-omonat: 100% match up to $100 + 300 free spins

To get the 2nd deposit offer, you must have claimed and used the first deposit bonus. The same applies to the third offer. The lowest qualifying deposit in each package is $35, and it gives you access to the attached free spins. Other welcome bonus terms include:

  • Bonus winnings remain as bonus cash until you meet the playthrough requirements
  • Wagering is 90x on live dealer games
  • You have to complete wagering within 30 days
  • You don’t need a deposit bonus code to unlock the bonuses

With generous match bonuses and hundreds of free spins, new players will blast off into thrilling live dealer gameplay at Casino Metropol.

The signup bonus is only available to players who register from Turkey.

Regular bonuses in Casino Metropol

For more thrills and profit every day of the week, Casino Metropol has an “Earn Profit 7 Days A Week” bonus extravaganza! With no casino bonus code, you can get extra coins to boost your bankroll. Here are the details:

  • For extra live casino action on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, get ready for a $100 real money bonus to play with. That cash is yours to keep after just 5x wagering.
  • On Thursdays, grab a 25% deposit bonus on your first top-up of the day. The maximum bonus amount is $50, and it must be wagered at least 90x in the live casino. 
  • On Saturdays, there is a 10% cashback bonus in the live casino. Once you join the campaign, 10% of all the losses of that day will be paid back. The minimum net loss considered is $20, and the maximum cashback amount is $50. This bonus is subject to 10x wagering.

There’s also a bonus in live blackjack. Catch three 5s at the Evolution Blackjack tables and snag an instant $30 cash injection—no strings attached. Best of all, you can claim this bonus up to three times a day. Lastly, spin to win at the Turkish Roulette wheel for up to $35 a day.

Keep your eyes peeled for unique limited-time Cash Festivals, where playing handpicked games pays off with sweet rewards. Metropol serves up bonuses galore.

Casino Metropoldagi turnirlar

Casino Metropolning jonli kazinosida turnirlar o'tishini kutishning hojati yo'q. Istalgan vaqtda musobaqalarga chipta olishingiz mumkin. Ularning turnir dasturiga a'zo bo'ling va jonli o'yinlarni o'ynashda ochko to'plashni boshlang. Sovrinlar bilan yanada muhimroq, qiziqarli turnirlarda o‘z o‘rningizni qo‘lga kiritish uchun peshqadamlar jadvaliga chiqing.

Albatta, jonli kazino hozirda turnir jabhasida jim. Ammo "Jonli kazino turnirlari" maxsus sahifasi bilan hayajonli musobaqalar tez orada boshlanishi mumkin. Shuni ham yodda tutingki, ushbu turnirlarning ba'zilari qisqa muddatli bo'lishi mumkin. Shunday qilib, siz tugashidan oldin tezda ro'yxatdan o'tishingiz kerak. Ushbu turnirlarning aksariyatida minimal tikish $0,2 (6 TL). Sovrin jamg'armalari turlicha bo'lib, turnir o'yinlari ham shunday.

Turnirlardan tashqari Casino Metropol-da jonli kazinoda sovrinlar tomchilari mavjud. Eng diqqatga sazovori Pragmatik o'yinlardagi pul festivalidir. Bu yerda, dasturiy ta'minot ishlab chiqaruvchisi uyalar va jonli o'yinlarda $500,000 dan ortiq sovg'a qilmoqda. Tegishli o'yinlarni ko'rib chiqing va ro'yxatdan o'ting. Bu sizning omadli kuningiz bo'lishi mumkin.

Casino Metropolda sodiqlik dasturi

Atrofda qoladigan o'yinchilarga ustuvor kirish, tug'ilgan kun uchun bepul sovg'alar va boshqa VIP sovg'alar yoqadi. Biroq, bu erda hech qanday eksklyuziv VIP zal yoki sodiqlik darajasi yo'q - Casino Metropol sodiq o'yinchilar uchun mukofotlar haqida ko'r qilmaydi. Shunga qaramay, ular hali ham yangi bonuslar, muntazam aktsiyalar va yuqori mukofotli turnirlarni taklif qilishadi.

Casino Metropol haqida qisqacha ma'lumot

Shovqinli onlayn qimor landshaftida Casino Metropol, ayniqsa, turk o'yinchilari uchun barchasini bir joyda olib keladi. Unda 100 dan ortiq jonli dilerlik oʻyinlari toʻgʻridan-toʻgʻri yorqin studiyalardan uzatiladi. U 20 yildan ortiq litsenziyalanganligi sababli, siz qonuniy va ishonchli qimor xizmatlari uchun onlayn kazinoga ishonishingiz mumkin. Bank o'tkazmalari toshbaqa kabi tortilsa-da, xavfsiz bank xizmatlari orqali tezda depozit qo'ying. Elektron hamyonlar yordamida tezda yechib oling va bularning barchasini mobil telefonda qilishingiz mumkin.

Biroq, jonli turnir bo'limi biroz snooze-fest. Mijozlarni qo'llab-quvvatlash xizmati ham telefon yoki jonli chat mavjud bo'lmaganda umidsizlikka tushadi. Naqd pul mablag'lari sizning bank hisobingizga tushishi uchun 7 kungacha vaqt ketishi mumkin. Garchi mukammal bo'lmasa-da, Casino Metropol to'xtovsiz harakat va ajoyib bonuslarni taqdim etadi. Shuningdek, u xavfsizlikni bloklaydi va mas'uliyatli qimor o'yinlarini jiddiy qabul qiladi. Bugun Lady Luckni sinab ko'ring - bu hotspot 24/7 Vegas kazinosi kabi jonli jonli dilerlar bilan ishlaydi.

Bu kazino sizning joyingizdagi o'yinchilarni qabul qilmaydi.
bu yerni bosing Qo'shma Shtatlardan o'yinchilarni qabul qiladigan kazinolarni tekshirish.

dan o'yinchilarni qabul kazinolar

Joylashuvni o'zgartirish uchun bosing