Stake Live Casino

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Stake Live Casino
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Stake Live Casino Gwybodaeth

💰 Cynnig bonws: $100,000
🤵 Meddalwedd gemau byw: Esblygiad, Ezugi, Microgaming, NetEnt, Technoleg chwarae, Pragmatig Byw
❓ Wedi'i sefydlu: 2017
⚡ Yn eiddo i: Canolig Prin NV
⭐ Rheoliad: Curacao, Cyfarwyddo Cyffredinol Juegos y Sorteos
➡️ Blaendal: Apple Pay, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dogecoin, Ethereum, Google Pay, Interac, Litecoin, Pix, Ripple
⬅️ Tynnu'n ôl: Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dogecoin, Ethereum, Interac, Litecoin, Pix, Ripple
🔥 Terfyn Tynnu'n Ôl: unlim
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📞 Cefnogaeth:

Gemau yn Stake Live Casino

Stake Live Casino Adolygu

Gweithredwr betio a chasino chwaraeon ar-lein yw Stake sy'n agor ei ddrysau i chwaraewyr mewn gwahanol rannau o'r byd. Wedi'i sefydlu yn 2017, mae Stake Casino yn un o'r casinos crypto ar-lein mwyaf poblogaidd. Gweithredir y safle gan Medium Rare NV o dan drwydded gan Curacao. Mae gan y platfform hwn dros 2500 o gemau casino ar-lein, gan gynnwys slotiau ar-lein poblogaidd. Mae gan Stake Casino hefyd gemau bwrdd amrywiol a gemau damwain. Mae gan y wefan nifer dda o deitlau deliwr byw, gan gynnwys roulette, blackjack, baccarat, a sioeau gêm. 

Gallwch ariannu'ch cyfrif a derbyn taliadau gyda llawer o opsiynau talu cryptocurrency yn y casino ar-lein hwn. Wrth gofrestru yn Stake Casino, gallwch dderbyn bonws croeso o 200% hyd at $1000. Yn yr un modd, mae'r wefan yn cynnig ychydig o hyrwyddiadau i ddiddanu chwaraewyr presennol. Mae'n pwerau safle casino symudol rhagorol a rhaglen VIP hael sy'n gwobrwyo chwaraewyr cyson. Dysgwch fwy am y platfform hapchwarae hwn yn ein hadolygiad Stake Casino.

Opsiynau blaendal yn Stake Casino

Mae Stake Casino wedi ennill enw da fel safle hapchwarae gorau i lawer o chwaraewyr ledled y byd. Mae'n casino crypto, ond mae ganddo hefyd ddulliau blaendal fiat, megis cardiau banc ac e-waledi, y gall rhywun eu defnyddio i brynu crypto ac ychwanegu at y cyfrif casino. Mae'r rhan fwyaf o'r arian digidol poblogaidd ar gael yn yr ariannwr. Mae'n bwysig nodi mai dim ond ar ôl uwchlwytho dogfen sy'n profi eu hunaniaeth y gall chwaraewyr sy'n ymuno â'r casino o rai gwledydd adneuo arian yn y casino hwn. Mae'r opsiynau talu yn y casino crypto hwn fel a ganlyn:

  • Mastercard: $10 (min. blaendal)–$5000 (uchafswm. blaendal) 
  • Apple Pay: $10–$10,000
  • Google Pay: $10–$10,000
  • Samsung Pay: $10–$10,000
  • Bitcoin: 0.0002 BTC - (dim uchafswm ar gyfer yr holl ddarnau arian isod) 
  • Bitcoin Cash: 0.02 BCH
  • Ethereum: 0.004 ETH
  • Tennyn (ERC20, BEP20): 2.5 USDT
  • Litecoin: 0.04 LTC
  • Tron: 30 TRX
  • Ripple: 20 XRP
  • Dogecoin: 30 DOGE
  • Binance Coin: 0.015 BNB
  • USD Coin: 2.5 USDC

Nid yw'r opsiynau fiat rhestredig ar gael ar gyfer adneuon uniongyrchol i'r casino hwn. Dim ond MC, GPay, ac opsiynau fiat eraill y gallwch chi eu defnyddio i brynu arian cyfred digidol yn uniongyrchol yn y casino hwn. Mae'r opsiwn prynu Crypto ar gael ar y dudalen Bancio. 

Opsiynau tynnu'n ôl yn Stake Casino

Gallwch chi dynnu'n ôl gydag amrywiol ddarnau arian crypto yn y casino ar-lein hwn. Mae'r casino yn gofyn ichi dynnu'n ôl gyda'r un dull a ddefnyddiwyd gennych wrth ariannu'ch cyfrif. Os nad yw'ch dull blaendal ar gael i'w dynnu'n ôl, bydd Stake Casino yn caniatáu ichi ddewis opsiwn arall. Yn ogystal, mae angen rhagor o ddogfennau dilysu KYC cyn y gellir prosesu eich tynnu'n ôl gyntaf.     

Isod mae'r opsiynau talu sydd ar gael yn y casino go iawn hwn:

  • Apple Pay: $10 (min. tynnu'n ôl) – $10,000 (uchafswm tynnu'n ôl)
  • Google Pay: $10 – $10,000
  • Tâl Samsung: $10 – $10,000
  • Bitcoin: 0.0002 BTC - (dim tynnu'n ôl ar y mwyaf) 
  • Bitcoin Cash: 0.02 BCH
  • Ethereum: 0.004 ETH
  • Tether (ERC20), (BEP20) & (Matic): 2.5 USDT
  • Litecoin: 0.04 LTC
  • Tron: 30 TRX
  • Ripple: 20 XRP
  • Dogecoin: 30 DOGE
  • Binance Coin: 0.015 BNB
  • USD Coin: 2.5 USDC

Nid yw'r casino crypto hwn wedi darparu'r amseroedd tynnu'n ôl safonol yn y telerau ac amodau cyffredinol. Fodd bynnag, gan mai cryptos yw'r holl opsiynau talu sydd ar gael, gall chwaraewyr dderbyn taliadau o fewn awr ar ôl cael eu cymeradwyo gan y casino ar-lein. Mae hyn yn amodol ar gyflawni'r holl ofynion sy'n ymwneud â thynnu'n ôl, megis dilysu KYC. Yn bwysig, nid oes gan y casino ar-lein unrhyw ffioedd tynnu'n ôl.

Darparwyr gêm fyw yn Stake Casino

Mae chwaraewyr casino bob amser eisiau cael amrywiaeth o gemau yn eu hoff gasinos ar-lein. Mae Stake Casino wedi dod yn gyrchfan i lawer o chwaraewyr, diolch i'w gasgliad gêm sylweddol. Mae ganddo nifer o gemau bwrdd byw cyffrous ar gyfer chwaraewyr sydd â diddordeb mewn baccarat, blackjack, roulette, sic bo, Andar Bahar, a Teen Patti. Mae llawer o sioeau gêm byw ac ychydig o gemau damwain hefyd ar gael i gadw'r awyrgylch yn hynod fywiog. Mae gemau deliwr byw yn y casino legit hwn gan gyflenwyr meddalwedd blaenllaw, megis Evolution, Pragmatic Play, a Bombay Live. 

Roulette byw yn Stake Casino

P'un a ydych chi'n newydd i roulette neu os oes gennych chi wybodaeth ddofn o'r gêm, mae gan Stake Casino deitlau anhygoel amrywiol. Fe welwch roulette Americanaidd ac Ewropeaidd yn bennaf yn y casino cyfreithlon hwn. Mae CTRh y gemau yn wahanol, gan fod y sero dwbl (00) mewn roulette Americanaidd yn saethu i fyny ymyl y tŷ i 5.26%. Mae gan rai o'r teitlau yn y casino hwn nodweddion bonws, sy'n gwneud y gameplay yn llawer mwy deniadol.    

Mae rhai teitlau roulette byw poblogaidd yn Stake Casino yn

  • Roulette byw (Bombay Live)
  • Immersive Roulette (Evolution)
  • Roulette byw (Chwarae Pragmatig)
  • Double Ball Roulette (Evolution)
  • XXXtreme Lightning Roulette (Evolution)

Rydym yn esbonio rhai o'r teitlau poblogaidd yn fanwl isod.

Roulette Mega

Mega Roulette yw un o'r gemau byw mwyaf dilyn o Pragmatic Play. Mae'r gêm yn derbyn wagers o $0.1 i $5000 ar bob rownd. Eich nod yw rhagweld y nifer y bydd y bêl roulette yn stopio arno ar ôl pob troelli. O'r herwydd, fe welwch betiau roulette rheolaidd yn y gêm hon. Fodd bynnag, mae'r Mega Lucky Number yn nodwedd amlwg a all roi hwb i'ch betiau syth gyda lluosyddion Mega os ydych chi'n ffodus. Mae'r lluosyddion yn amrywio o 50x i 500x eich wager ar bob rownd.     

Gold Vault Roulette

Gold Vault Roulette yn gêm fyw gyffrous o Evolution, lle gallwch Wager $0.2 hyd at $5000 y rownd. Mae gan Gold Vault Roulette nodwedd Bar Aur, sy'n dyfarnu lluosyddion o 50x i 500x eich bet. Ar gyfer pob rownd, mae pedair claddgell yn cael eu hagor i ddangos nifer y bariau aur a fydd yn berthnasol. Yn nodweddiadol, bydd 5 i 20 betiau syth yn cael eu dyfarnu bariau aur ar hap. Gall bariau aur 50x bentyrru ar yr un nifer yn amodol ar gyfanswm lluosydd o 150x. Hefyd, dim ond un lluosydd bar aur 500x all ymddangos ar bob rownd.

Blackjack byw yn Stake Casino

Mae Blackjack yn un o'r gemau casino hynny a all eich cael chi ar ymyl eich sedd. Mae'r fersiwn fyw wedi cadw'r apêl wych honno gyda delio'n fyw o gardiau i chwaraewyr a betiau ochr. Mae gan Stake Casino lawer o dablau blackjack byw gan y darparwyr meddalwedd a restrir uchod. Fodd bynnag, i gael mynediad at y tablau, mae angen i chi ymweld â lobi gêm pob darparwr yn y casino ar-lein hwn. Mae rhai o'r teitlau blaenllaw yn cynnwys

  • Cyfres VIP Blackjack (Chwarae Pragmatig)
  • Blackjack Evo Speed (Esblygiad)
  • Blackjack Byw (Bombay Live)
  • Blackjack Anfeidrol (Evolution) 
  • Blackjack Cyflymder (Chwarae Pragmatig)

ONE Blackjack

ONE Blackjack is an exciting title from Pragmatic Play. This live game allows you to stake between $1 and $10,000 per round. ONE Blackjack is hosted in a beautiful studio with nice animations to seal the game’s appeal. The game has four bonus bets: Perfect Pairs, 21+3, Bust It, and Crazy 7. According to the paytable, there are different outcomes for every bonus bet in this game. The highest-paying bonus bet is Crazy 7, which awards 2000:1 for three 7s of the same suit.     

Blackjack pŵer

Power Blackjack is an Evolution title that accepts wagers of $1 to $25,000 per round, which is great for players. The game allows you to make regular moves that will enable you to beat the dealer. What makes the game captivating is the four side bets you can wager on: Any Pair, 21+3, Hot 3, and Bust It. Each side bet has multiple outcomes and accompanying payouts. The highest payout of 250:1 is awarded in the Bust It side bet, particularly when the dealer busts with 8+ cards.

Live baccarat in Stake Casino

Baccarat is a fast-paced table game where you predict and stake on the side you believe will win the round. As simple as this may sound, the game requires a good understanding of its rules. Consequently, regular baccarat players often play with a strategy that helps them maximise their chances of winning. Stake Casino has a lot of baccarat games. There are numerous titles with basic gameplay and many others with bonus bets. Below are some popular live baccarat titles in Stake Casino:

  • Super 8 Baccarat (Pragmatic Play)
  • Teigr y Ddraig (Esblygiad)
  • Baruto Baccarat (Bombay Live)
  • Mega Baccarat (Pragmatic Play)
  • Speed Baccarat (Bombay Live)

We’ll take a further look at a few other titles below.

Fortune 6 Baccarat

Fortune 6 Baccarat allows bets of $0.2 up to $150,000 per round at Stake Casino. The game has regular bets like banker, player, and tie. Additionally, this Pragmatic Play title has bonus bets, such as Player Fortune Pair, Banker Fortune Pair, Player 6, Banker 6, and Fortune 6. You can wager on one or more side bets in this game. The Fortune 6 bet awards the biggest payout of 120:1 if you have three cards with a value of 6 each.

Baccarat mellt

Lightning Baccarat is from the stables of Evolution. This live baccarat title has bet limits of $1 to $100,000 on every round. The game is played with 8 decks, 52 cards in each. The game has two side bets: Player Pair and Banker Pair, and each of them pays 9:1. Furthermore, it has the Lightning Round, where your cards can receive random multipliers of 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x or 8x.

Live shows in Stake Casino

There are many live game shows at Stake Casino. These games have various payouts, themes, RTPs, and designs. Whether you like to play with small or big amounts, you’ll definitely find live game shows that accommodate your budget. All the games are designed for play in the mobile casino, so you can always enjoy yourself on the go. Some top game shows are

  • Crazy Pachinko (Esblygiad)
  • Olwyn Mega (Chwarae Pragmatig)
  • Funky Time (Evolution)
  • Nadroedd ac Ysgolion yn Fyw (Chwarae Pragmatig)
  • Boom City (Chwarae Pragmatig)

Let’s explore a few titles in detail. 

Amser Crazy

This Evolution title accepts wagers of $0.1 up to $25,000 on each round. Crazy Time comes with the money wheel theme, where you’ll find a large wheel with 54 bet segments on it. There are numbers (1, 2, 5, 10) and bonus betting spots (Pachinko, Crazy Coin Flip, Cash Hunt, and Crazy Time). All you have to do is place a wager on any spots you believe the wheel will rest on after a spin. If you wagered on a number spot and the wheel rests on it, you win a 1x, 2x, 5x, or 10x multiplier. If it stops on a bonus game, the action enters the bonus feature mode, where various multipliers up to 20,000x are available.    

Tir Candy Bonansa Melys

Sweet Bonanza CandyLand is a riveting game from Pragmatic Play with stakes between $0.2 and $12,000. The game has a money-wheel concept, with bet spots 1, 2, and 5. Meanwhile, the wheel has bonus segments, including Bubble Surprise, Sugar Bomb, Candy Drop, and Sweet Spins. The number segments award multipliers according to their face value. The bonus feature plays out if you wager on a bonus game and the wheel stops on it. The bonuses have different multipliers, but the highest is 20,000x.

Crash games in Stake Casino

Crash games garner heightened sensation in online casinos, so many offer them. This crypto online casino has very few crash games. Surprisingly, Aviator by Spribe isn’t in the lobby, even though it is one of the most prominent crash games worldwide. 

Stake Casino has Pragmatic Play’s Spaceman, where you can play with $1 up to $100 per round. The game has a space theme, with a space explorer flying across the screen. Your goal is to cash out a multiplier before the explorer crashes, which automatically ends the round. Spaceman has the Auto Cashout and 50% Auto Cashout features, which are very helpful. The RTP is 95.50%, while the maximum multiplier is 5000x.

Crash, Plinko, and Mines by Stake Originals are other social multiplayer games you’ll find in this online casino.

Welcome bonuses in Stake Casino

Stake Casino awards a sign-up bonus of 200% up to $1000 to new players after the first deposit. However, it’s uncertain whether players can fulfil the wagering requirements of the welcome bonus by playing live games. All our efforts to get this information from customer support were futile. Similarly, there were no regular bonuses for live game players or free chips at the time of this review. 

Tournaments in Stake Casino

Stake Casino has the Pragmatic Play Drops and Wins Live Casino tournament. The tournament offers a prize pool of $6,000,000 and comes in three categories:

  • Weekly tournaments for live blackjack
  • Daily Prize Drops for live baccarat, roulette, and game shows
  • Daily Game Shows for live game shows

Only Pragmatic Play live games are eligible for each category of this tournament. To participate in any part of the tourney, you must play a qualifying game, betting $2 or more. As you play such games, you earn tournament points. Typically, the higher your points, the higher you can progress across the leaderboard. Thus, players with the highest points at the end of each day or week will receive corresponding cash prizes as stipulated by the terms.

Loyalty program in Stake Casino

Stake Casino has a well-structured VIP program with 4 levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Additionally, the Platinum level has classes I, II, and III. Players are added to the Stake VIP Club immediately after signing up, beginning from the Bronze level. The program has a VIP progress bar, with every eligible wager added to the bar. Thankfully, live casino games contribute to the VIP progress, so live game enthusiasts are invited to the program.

The program has various benefits, such as

  • Level Up bonuses
  • Monthly promotions
  • Bonysau wythnosol
  • Reload bonuses
  • Rakeback
  • Special VIP host
  • Unique tournaments

Summary to Stake Casino

Stake Casino remains among the best online casinos in many countries for several reasons. The online casino has a robust live games library,  from live blackjack to roulette, baccarat, sic bo, and Andar Bahar. If you’re interested in live game shows, you can play many of them in this legit casino. However, this gaming site has only a few crash games, which is disappointing. Even though there’s no Stake Casino app, the mobile casino site is user-friendly and easy to navigate.

You can deposit and withdraw only with cryptocurrencies, but if you don’t have them, you can use a few fiat options to buy crypto coins. With respect to bonuses, you can only claim them via a third-party affiliate site officially recognised by Stake Casino. This practice is strange, as it can negatively affect many players’ overall experience, especially those who don’t have this information before signing up. It’s not certain whether the welcome bonus is open to players interested in wagering on live games. A few tournaments are also available, and the VIP program is interesting. Overall, Stake Casino is a good gambling hub for live casino games.

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