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Mèinnean Crash Game by spribe Details

🎰 Bathar-bog: Spiorad
📲 Cluich air fòn-làimhe: $0.1 - $100
💰 Crìochan geall: $0.1 - $100
🎲 Seòrsa geama: Gèam Tubaist
💵 RTP: 95% - 97%

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Mèinnean Crash Game by spribe Review

If you’re trying to learn how to play blackjack or another complex game and find it tough and time-consuming, then the Mines game is the perfect solution. This game is simple to learn and play because all you need to do is flip a tile, hoping there’s a diamond behind it for your payout. From that mini-description, it’s clear there’s really no strategy to gain an edge, as the game is purely based on luck. However, the best part is that every time you win, the multiplier increases until you decide to cash out or reveal a mine. These games come in different versions, and we’ll explore three types of Mines games from three game providers (Hacksaw Gaming, Turbo Games, and Spribe) for you to understand perfectly how to play this exciting game. You can play Mines for real money in one of the top casinos listed on this page. 

Dè a th’ ann an geama tubaist?

There’s a crash at one point in the game if you take the name of the genre at face value. If you thought of this, you’re right. But also expect payouts. This is how a crash game works. The game features a growing multiplier. In some games like Aviator, the multiplier can go to infinity, but it will start at a certain value. But the catch is that you must cash out before the multiplier crashes. Your payout will be based on your bet amount times the multiplier value when cashing out. 

Mines game rules

Mines is part of the crash game fraternity, drawing inspiration from the popular Minesweeper game, which was famous on the Windows operating system back in the day. The game features a playing grid with tiles you must flip to uncover a mine or a diamond (which could be something different depending on the game). If you reveal a diamond, you win, and you can choose to cash out or continue playing, hoping for more wins. Keep in mind the more diamonds, the riskier it gets. On the other hand, if you uncover a mine, the game ends, and you’ll lose your accumulated winnings and the initial bet amount.

Mines by Spribe

Of all the Mines games, the version by Spribe is the most basic in gameplay. The version sticks to the old-school mines, with straightforward classic play offering amazing prizes. So, what does it entail? We find out in this section. 

Visual representation of Mines by Spribe

As alluded to earlier, the game is basic, including the landscape. The 5×5 grid layout is all sky blue. But when you choose a specific tile, the colour will change to an orange and a white star. On the other hand, if you uncover a bomb, the tile will change to a pink background and an explosion sign. 

The graphics are clean, although not as modern as you may think. It’s the same for the animations, with nothing too fancy happening when you choose a tile. Unlike many slot games that feature a theme and music, this Mines casino game only incorporates a chime sound for when you uncover a star. 

Game mechanics

Underneath the gameplay is a set of mechanics that direct the flow of the game and the outcome. But it’s worth noting that this is a game based on luck. Remember, your only job is to choose a tile. Everything else is based on an RNG. 

Kickstarting your gameplay is the bet amount. This version by Spribe caters to a wide range of players, including high-rollers. The lowest bet amount is $0.1, which is fantastic for starters looking to explore the game without yielding too much. You can raise the stakes to bet with $100 per round for the more seasoned players. 

When it comes to the volatility, expect low to medium. That means you can look forward to big wins, although they will be rarer. On the other hand, you can also expect more frequent wins but on a low scale. 

Finally, the game’s RTP is 97%. This is higher than the industry standard. The high RTP essentially means you can look out for more returns from the game as you play over a while. 

Playing Mines by Spribe

This mines crash game by Spribe may be basic, but it still offers some unique twists. Here’s how to play this exciting game:

  • Minefield: As mentioned earlier, the game is played on a 5×5 grid. That means you have 25 tiles, which you will flip, aiming to uncover the stars and avoid the bombs. 
  • Initiating the game: You must set your bet amount before flipping the tiles. At the bottom left are the ‘-’ and ‘+’ buttons, which you can use to choose your bet amount. Alternatively, you can click the stack of coins to choose your wager. After settling on a bet amount, click the spin button to start playing. 
  • Autoplay: There’s an autoplay function if you wish to take a break from the constant clicking of the play button. Toggle the ‘Auto Game’ mode to initiate this function. Next, choose one or more spots where you believe the star will appear. You can also opt for the ‘Random’ mode. Next, set the number of rounds to play in auto mode. The minimum is 3 rounds, while the maximum is 200 rounds. You can also change other attributes, including when to stop based on your bankroll or what should happen when you lose or win by a certain amount. 
  • Choosing the layout: One feature in the game you will love is the option to choose the difficulty level. What this simply means is choosing how many mines you want to appear on the field. In this version, the minimum number is 1, while the maximum is 20. Remember that the more mines you include in the field, the higher the rewards. However, higher rewards mean bigger risks. So, choose wisely. 
  • Payouts and symbols: The game features only two symbols: the star and the mine/bomb. Uncovering a star increases your multiplier, increasing your win potential. But if you find a mine, the game ends, and you will lose your current bet amount. Note that the maximum win in this game is $10,000 per round. 
  • Cashing out: You can count your wins for the round and choose to cash out your winnings. You can do this by clicking the Cash Out button at the bottom right of the interface. With this feature, you can avoid potential losses if you hit a mine.

Mines by Hacksaw Gaming

Another version of Mines, this Minesweeper casino game by Hacksaw Gaming, takes things to the next level compared to the Spribe version. However, the gameplay remains the same. That is, choose a tile where you believe there’s a diamond while avoiding mines. Let’s dig further into this game. 

Mines by Hacksaw Gaming visuals

Similar to the Spribe version, there’s no actual theme in this Mines bet game. However, you’ll notice the cleaner, more polished, and slicker appearance compared to the version by Spribe. 

The game combines four colours: black, yellow, lime green, and dark blue, which blend perfectly to give it a more appealing look. It also features a jazz type of music to keep you company and calm, considering the tension that comes with each tile flip. Speaking of flipping the tiles, you’ll hear a chime sound every time you flip a tile. 

The Hacksaw Mines game mechanics 

The gameplay remains the same, which is to uncover a diamond to win, and the game is based on luck. It all starts with the bet amount, which is set at $0.2 on the lower end for a budget player. But players who’ve already found their footing can opt for the maximum amount of $1,000. 

The game’s variance also oscillates between low and medium. That means you’ll swing between periods when you’ll receive frequent wins with small payouts and periods of moderate payouts staggered across your gameplay. 

Finally, the game’s RTP is 98%, which is higher than the 97% offered in the Spribe version. As a result, you can look forward to higher returns. 

How to play Mines by Hacksaw Gaming

The Hacksaw Gaming Mines game is more advanced for even more exciting gameplay. Let’s explore the intricacies of this version:

  • Minefield: Unlike the Spribe version, you can switch between four minefield layouts. You have the 3×3 for 9 tiles, 5×5 for 25 tiles, 7×7 for 49 tiles, and 9×9 for 81 tiles. Remember, the bigger the minefield, the lower your payouts and risk. 
  • Choosing the number of mines: A settings button is next to the ‘Bet’ button. Clicking it will display the grid size option and the number of mines you want on the minefield. Note that the minimum and maximum number of mines is based on your chosen grid size. For the 3×3, the range is between 1 and 4. The 5×5 grid ranges between 1 and 7, while the 7×7 has a maximum of 15. Finally, the 9×9 offers a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 20. Remember, the more mines you choose, the higher your payouts, and of course, the greater the risk. 
  • Initiating the game: To start playing the game, you must set the bet amount. Do this by using the up and down buttons. Next, click the ‘Bet’ button to start the game. 
  • Autoplay: Interestingly, this version doesn’t feature an autoplay function, which is disappointing. 
  • Payouts and symbols: The game features only two symbols. That is the diamond and the mine. If you uncover the diamond, you win. But if you uncover the mine, the game ends. Similar to the Spribe version, the maximum payout per round is $10,000. 
  • Cashing out: As described above, once you uncover a diamond, you win. You can opt to continue flipping the tiles for more wins, or you can cash out. For the latter, click the ‘Collect’ button to bag your win. 

Mines by Turbo Games

When comparing the visuals, Mines by Turbo is a step ahead of the Spribe and Hacksaw Gaming options. We’ll explore this difference in detail. But regarding gameplay, nothing changes. You still have to uncover a diamond (gift box) to win. Reveal a mine, and the game ends. Let’s find out how different this version is. 

Mines by Turbo Games visuals

A more modern playing field and user interface greets you when you load the game. Starting with the colour, you’ll spot an earthy tone. The gift box you uncover is blue, making for a beautiful contrast, which makes them pop on the field. 

Tha na grafaigean nas gèire, a’ dèanamh an raon cluiche gu lèir nas tarraingiche. Cuir beòthachaidhean rèidh ris nuair a bhios tu a’ tionndadh nan leacan, agus bidh an geama gu lèir a’ fàs nas tarraingiche ri chluich. Bidh fuaimean suspenseful a’ dèanamh suas a’ cheòl gus beagan teannachadh a chuir ris a’ gheama. Agus nuair a nochdas tu bogsa tiodhlac, cluinnidh tu glaodh. 

Mechanics geama casino na Mèinnean

Bidh e uile a 'tòiseachadh leis na roghainnean geall. Gabhaidh an geama an raon iomlan de chluicheadairean, le $0.1 mar an ìre geall as ìsle. Tha seo freagarrach airson cluicheadairean le àireamh-banca cuibhrichte. Ach, airson àrd-rolairean geama tubaist aig nach eil dragh a bhith a’ frasadh beagan airgid, is e $100 an t-suim geall as àirde. 

A thaobh caochlaidheachd, tha an geama cuideachd na shuidhe ann an raon ìosal gu meadhanach. Mar sin, faodaidh tu a bhith a 'coimhead air adhart ri pàighidhean nas lugha a' tachairt nas trice. Tha an eadar-dhealachadh meadhanach a’ ciallachadh gu bheil cothromachadh eadar cho tric agus a tha na pàighidhean a-mach agus cho mòr sa tha iad. 

Tha an RTP (Tilleadh gu Player) aig 95%, nas ìsle na na dreachan Spribe agus Hacksaw Gaming. Tha e cuideachd nas ìsle na ìre a’ ghnìomhachais (96%), a tha a’ ciallachadh toradh beagan nas ìsle anns a’ gheama iomlan agad. 

A ' cluich mèinnean le geamannan turbo

  • Mèinnearach: Tha an geama air a chluich air cliath stèidhichte 5 × 5. Tha sin a 'ciallachadh nach urrainn dhut an àireamh de leacan atharrachadh.
  • A 'suidheachadh an àireamh de mhèinnean: Ged nach urrainn dhut an raon cluiche atharrachadh, faodaidh tu an àireamh a tha thu ag iarraidh air an raon a thaghadh. Gu h-ìosal tha an earrann geall air a 'phannal chlì tha earrann a dh'fhaodas tu a chleachdadh gus an àireamh de mhèinnean a tha thu ag iarraidh air an raon a thaghadh. Faodaidh tu taghadh bho na luachan ro-shuidhichte, no faodaidh tu na putanan '-' agus '+' a chleachdadh gus àireamh àbhaisteach a shuidheachadh. 
  • Initiating the game: Air taobh clì an eadar-aghaidh tha earrann far an urrainn dhut do gheall a chuir. A’ cleachdadh na putanan ‘-’ agus ‘+’. Ach faodaidh tu cuideachd na putanan 'min' agus 'max' a chleachdadh gus na suimean geall as ìsle no as àirde a shuidheachadh. Nuair a bhios tu deiseil, cliog air a’ phutan ‘Start Game’ gus na leacan agad a thaghadh. 
  • Autoplay: Faodaidh tu atharrachadh gu gnìomh autoplay a’ cleachdadh a’ phutan ‘Auto’. Bheir seo cothrom dhut an àireamh de chuairtean a shuidheachadh a tha thu airson gun cluich an inneal dhut. Is e aon chuairt as ìsle, agus faodaidh tu a dhol gu Infinity. Ach air tuilleadh sgrùdaidh, lorg sinn gun urrainn dhut a dhol gu 9,999,999. Leigidh an gnìomh fèin-chluich leat cuideachd crìochan eile a shuidheachadh, leithid ath-shuidheachadh no àrdachadh do gheall le ceudad sònraichte nuair a chailleas tu no nuair a bhuannaicheas tu. A bharrachd air an sin, faodaidh tu cuideachd an gnìomh a shuidheachadh gus stad aig buannachadh sam bith. 
  • Payouts and symbols: Na mèinnean agus bogsaichean tiodhlac fillte agus na prìomh shamhlaidhean sa gheama. Nochdaidh an tè mu dheireadh fhad ‘s a tha thu a’ tionndadh na leacan, agus buailidh tu air an iomadachaidh fa leth. Ach ma lorgas tu mèinn, thig a’ chuairt gu crìch. Tha sin a 'ciallachadh a bhith a' call an t-suim geall agad còmhla ri buannachdan cruinnichte eile. 
  • Cashing out: Mar a nochdas tu na bogsaichean tiodhlac, cruinnichidh tu barrachd bhuannachdan. A bharrachd air an sin, chì thu an roghainn 'Cash Out' gnìomhach air a 'phannal chlì. Aon uair ‘s gu bheil thu riaraichte leis na buannaichean gnàthach, buail am putan seo gus crìoch a chuir air a’ chuairt agus cruinnich na buannaichean agad. 

Geamannan coltach ri Mèinnean tubaist

Chan e mèinnean na h-aon gheamannan tubaist a tha rim faighinn aig casinos air-loidhne. Lorgaidh tu tòrr gheamannan tubaist eile coltach ri Mèinnean. Ach, tha an geama-cluiche eadar-dhealaichte, ach tha e cinnteach gu bheil luchd-iomadachaidh ann gus do phàigheadh mu dheireadh a bhrosnachadh. Seo cuid de na prìomh gheamannan tubaist as urrainn dhut sgrùdadh a dhèanamh nuair a tha thu airson rudan atharrachadh. 


Tha an sgaoileadh Spribe seo a’ nochdadh 97% RTP le eadar-dhealachadh ìosal gu meadhanach. Air fhoillseachadh ann an 2019, tha Aviator a’ toirt a-steach plèana a tha a’ riochdachadh iomadachaidh a tha a’ sìor fhàs. Mar a bheir e dheth agus a 'sgèith nas àirde, bidh an iomadachaidh a tha ceangailte ris cuideachd a' fàs. Is e am pàirt as fheàrr gum faod an neach-iomadachaidh fàs gu Infinity. Ach, is e $10,000 a’ bhuannachd as motha airson gach cuairt. Cuideachd, thoir an aire gur e $0.1 an geall as ìsle, agus is e $100 an ìre as àirde. 


Air fhoillseachadh ann an 2020 le Galaxys, agus dìreach mar ann an Aviator, tha iomadachadh a’ sìor fhàs. Ach, an turas seo, tha e air a riochdachadh le bàta rocaid a’ siubhal dhan fhànais. Is e am feart as tarraingiche den gheama seo an leth airgead a-mach. Ma roghnaicheas tu am feart seo, faodaidh tu leth de na buannachdan a chosnadh agus leigeil leis an leth eile cumail a’ dol ann an dòchas iomadachaidh nas motha. Is e RTP a’ gheama 96.72%, a tha dìreach os cionn ìre a’ ghnìomhachais. 


Gèam tubaist cuideachd, ach an àite plèanaichean no rocaidean, tha e mu dheidhinn cuspair criogaid. Tha taobh batting agus taobh pitching. Cuiridh am fear mu dheireadh am ball a-steach, agus buailidh an deireadh bata e gus a chuir a-steach do na speuran. Fhad 's a bhios e a' siubhal anns na speuran, bheir e duais do luchd-iomadachaidh gus an nochd am facal 'Burst' a' tighinn gu crìch. 

Lucky Crumbling

Air a leasachadh le Evoplay, tha Lucky Crumbling a’ tabhann fìor eòlas geama tubaist. Tha an geama a 'nochdadh bonn a' losgadh suas mus tuit e. Is e an obair agad buannachdan a chruinneachadh ron tubaist. Is e an iomadachaidh as àirde an seo 1,000x, agus faodaidh tu an geama a chluich le co-dhiù $0.10 agus $30,000 aig a’ char as àirde gach cuairt. A bharrachd air an sin, tha 96% RTP aig a’ gheama.  


Bho ainm a 'gheama, tha jet ann a bheir dheth nuair a thòisicheas an geama. Mar a bhios e ag itealaich nas àirde, bidh an iomadachaidh a tha ceangailte ris a’ fàs, agus faodaidh tu airgead a-mach mus tuit e. Is e an ìre geall as ìsle $0.1, agus is e an ìre as àirde $100 gach cuairt. Faodaidh tu suas ri $10,000 gach cuairt a bhuannachadh ged a ruigeas an iomadachaidh 25,000x. 


Measgachadh de ùr-ghnàthachadh agus cianalas. Is e seo a gheibh thu nuair a chluicheas tu geama casino Mèinnean. A bharrachd air an sin, tha e mu dheidhinn a bhith a’ gabhail chunnartan nuair a bhios tu a’ tionndadh nan leacan, agus bidh seallaidhean lèirsinneach a’ cur beagan suspense ris a h-uile gnìomh. Ach is e an comas an ìre cunnairt agad a shuidheachadh le bhith ag atharrachadh an àireamh de leacan no an àireamh de mhèinnean a ghlacas d’ aire. Faodaidh tu an dà pharamadair atharrachadh, leithid ann an dreach Hacksaw Gaming. Mar thoradh air an sin, tha e a’ tabhann diofar eòlasan cluiche dha na daoine a tha a’ gabhail chunnartan agus na cluicheadairean as motha a tha furachail. Gu dearbh, tha mòran bhuannachdan ann airson a bhith a’ coimhead air adhart ri bhith stèidhichte air cho math sa tha boireannach fortanach a’ gàireachdainn ort. Tha am ball a-nis nad chùirt. Thoir a-mach na lorgairean mèinn agad agus theirig a-steach don raon mhèinn airson eòlas inntinneach. Ach, mura h-eil thu cinnteach am bu chòir dhut an geama tubaist Mèinnean a chluich, smaoinich air deuchainn a dhèanamh air a’ gheama an-asgaidh aig aon de na casinos air-loidhne a tha sinn a’ moladh.

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