Save the Princess Geama tubaist le turbo geamannan

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Save the Princess
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Save the Princess Geama tubaist le geamannan turbo mion-fhiosrachadh

🎰 Bathar-bog: Turbo geamannan
📲 Cluich air fòn-làimhe: IOS, Android
💰 Crìochan geall: $0.10 - $100
🎲 Seòrsa geama: Gèam Tubaist
💵 RTP: 95%

Casinos le Save the Princess gabhail ri cluicheadairean bho

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Save the Princess Gèam Tubaist le geamannan turbo Lèirmheas

Launched by Turbo Games in 2022, Save the Princess crash game is an excellent example of non-trivial gambling solutions. It definitely doesn’t look like standard slots, but it also doesn’t look like most crash games with planes or rockets. Save the Princess is like a real arcade game where players enjoy well-known 8-bit graphics and gameplay elements with reference to the legendary Super Mario console game. As well as in other crash casino games, Save the Princess game allows you to make your own decisions and determine when to cash out. Moreover, the game has three volatility levels that players adjust by adding extra abilities to the character. The full Save the Princess review over here will explain in detail how to play this instant-win game for real money.

Dè a th’ ann an geama tubaist?

Crash games, also known as instant wins, are designed for gamblers who want to get involved to the maximum and make certain decisions during the game. Still, any online casino game is based on random outcomes, but in the case of crash games, it’s up to you to determine volatility and decide at what multiplier you want to stop if you manage to do it before the game crashes. This type is especially popular among cryptocurrency players placing bets in Bitcoin and other blockchain currencies.

Save the Princess game rules

This time, Turbo Games developed a non-trivial crash game. It’s certain to win the hearts of gamblers due to both stunning visual elements and extra options in the form of protection elements. Players’ reviews show that the game attracts players with different bankrolls and tastes. Let’s learn Save the Princess’s casino game rules to find out why it’s so popular.

Navigation elements

Save the Princess bet game has an unusual gameplay model, but its navigation is quite straightforward. By pushing ‘+’ and ‘-’, you can increase or decrease the bet. Alternatively, there are buttons to set the minimum of $0.1 or the maximum of $100. Your balance is displayed above on the right. By pushing the question mark widget, the game will launch education mode, where a cartoon character explains gameplay rules, highlighting essential elements. 

The other two buttons are for regulating sound effects and extra settings. The mobile version can have minor differences, but in general, the game is optimised for all gadgets, so your desktop experience will be as good as playing on iOS or Android. The game begins when you press the ‘Start Game’ button, and it’s pretty unusual that the game has no auto cashout option.

How to play Save the Princess

As well as other instant win games, the Save the Princess crash game has standard elements when a player has a chance to cash out before the game is over. Unlike most other crash games, this one has no flying elements, such as planes. Plus, you don’t wait for the beginning of the round with other players since it’s up to you to start the game whenever you want. 

When you push the ‘Start Game’ button, the knight finds himself at level 1. You can’t cash out at this level since the game only begins. On the right, you’ll find a virtual game console, and you have to choose a door for your character. When this door reveals bones, the game is over. As for goblins, dragons, and vampires, they can also kill your character, but protection elements can prevent this.

If the door is clear, you move to level two. Location and visual elements change, but the concept is still the same; you need to open a new door to proceed. However, you can cash out at level two and further, though the multiplier will be extremely low in the beginning. This approach can be suitable for players testing Save the Princess for real money for the first time.

Save the Princess protection elements

Besides the basic opportunity to cash out whenever you want, Turbo Games added a feature to activate protection elements and regulate volatility this way. These are armour against goblins, an extinguisher against dragons, and garlic against vampires. When one of these characters is at the door, the protection element works and kills the enemy, so you can continue playing. Each element makes the game safer yet lowers potential multipliers, so volatility and paytable change accordingly:

  • When they are all inactive, it’s the extremely high volatility level where multipliers are equal to 1.24x, 1.69x, 2.45x, 3.85x, 6.9x, 16.12x, and 81x.
  • If you activate at least one protection element, the multipliers are 1.15x, 1.44x, 1.87x, 2.58x, 3.86x, 6.76x, and 16.92x.
  • With two protection elements active at once, your potential multipliers are 1.08x, 1.24x, 1.47x, 1.79x, 2.31x, 3.23x, and 5.4x.
  • The safest mode with all the three protection elements offers players 1.01x, 1.08x, 1.17x, 1.29x, 1.45x, 1.69x, and 2.12x.

These are the only bonus options of the game, so players can’t count on built-in free bets like in Aviator by Spribe. However, not all crash games have bonus features, so the presence of these protection elements is much better than nothing.

Save the Princess online casino strategies

The Turbo Games provider added engaging elements to regulate risk levels, so you can play Save the Princess for real money with four different volatility levels. Moreover, it’s up to you to decide when to cash out. The further your knight reaches, the closer he is to his beloved, but you could guess that the castle is guarded by different creatures, so the task isn’t easy. That’s why you can choose from the Save the Princess crash game strategies below to maximise your chances.

Weird Guy low-risk Save the Princess strategy

Our character wants to see the princess, but when he has all this heavy equipment, he looks weird and it’s impossible to reach the castle. That’s why low volatility Save the Princess strategy includes the following:

  • All three extra elements are active (armour, extinguisher, garlic)
  • You cash out after the first or second step (level 2 or 3)
  • Your bet per round is up to 10% of your bankroll
  • Winning potential is 1.01x to 2.12x

First Meeting medium risk Save the Princess strategy

Well, when a man has no extinguisher, he has more chances to meet a woman, though it’s not always enough to win her heart. That’s why the medium-risk strategy of the Save the Princess crash game is like this:

  • You have only two active elements (armour and garlic)
  • Now, cash out after the second or third step (level 3 or 4)
  • The bet can be 10% to 20% of your bankroll
  • Winning potential is 1.08x to 5.4x

First Date hard-risk Save the Princess strategy

When we are talking about a man who doesn’t hide his face, the dating is going to be not so strange, so hard risk strategy for Save the Princess implies the absence of both an extinguisher and a helmet:

  • Activate only garlic against vampires
  • Focus on levels 4 to 6 to cash out (third to fifth steps)
  • Bet 20% to 30% of your bankroll per round
  • Winning potential is 1.15x to 16.92x

First Kiss extreme-risk Save the Princess strategy

How can we talk about the first kiss when there is so much garlic? Remove this element and try to go as far as possible to let the knight kiss his beloved princess. Here’s Save the Princess’s extreme risk strategy:

  • Don’t activate protection elements
  • Cash out at level 7 or try to reach the princess
  • You can bet 30% to 50% of your bankroll per round
  • Winning potential is 1.24x to 81x

About Turbo Games provider

Turbo Games is a relatively new gambling company launched in 2020. The same year, the company penned a deal with the Hub88 integration platform. With nearly 30 titles in the portfolio, the supplier doesn’t offer slots or live games. Fast games are the provider’s trademark, so you can also play its popular instants like Vortex, Aero, Bubbles, Neko, Double Roll, Trading Dice, and others. In 2021, the team released CrashX, its first crash online casino game. Vadym Potapenko, head of sales at Turbo Games, said a few words about Turbo Games at SIGMA Europe: ‘Having a super-experienced team, we deliver new content the way no one did. And we do our best to merge casino games with betting and instant games altogether.’

Save the Princess crash game tips

In addition to basic tips like choosing safe Save the Princess online casinos and playing responsibly, you can consider several working tricks which are directly connected to gameplay rules and have been tested by our team:

  • Try not to lower multipliers
    Nuair a chuireas tu an gnìomh a h-uile eileamaid dìon, tha e dha-rìribh a’ coimhead sàbhailte, ach nuair a thionndaidheas aon eileamaid an comas 81x as àirde gu 16.92x, agus na trì gnìomhach a’ dèanamh a’ bhuannachd as àirde cho ìosal ri 2.12x, chan eil e coltach gu bheil e mar sin. prothaideach, mar sin feuch co-dhiù gun a bhith gan cleachdadh uile aig an aon àm (mura h-eil thu nad neach-tòiseachaidh).
  • Seachain na geall as ìsle
    Uill, còrdaidh rolairean ìosal ri $0.1 geall gach cuairt, ach nuair a tha thu airson rudeigin cudromach fhaicinn nuair a ruigeas an ridire agad a’ bhana-phrionnsa, feuch geall nas motha. Bidh eadhon an iomadachaidh ìosal 1.15x a’ coimhead nas fheàrr nuair a bhuannaicheas tu $11.5 ($10 bet, $1.5 prothaid) seach $1.15 ($1 geall, prothaid $0.15), ach na dìochuimhnich mu chunnartan nas àirde.
  • Na biodh eagal ort airgead a-mach
    'S e, is dòcha gu bheil an ridire agad ag ionndrainn a' bhana-phrionnsa, ach chan eil sin a 'ciallachadh gur e ruighinn a' phuing as àirde an roghainn as fheàrr. Nuair a chì thu gu bheil an t-suim airgid a-mach a’ coimhead math (me., $187 aig geall $100 le aon eileamaid dìon), gabh an t-airgead co-dhiù bho àm gu àm gus nach ruith thu a-mach à airgead ann am beagan chuairtean.

Geamannan tubaist coltach ri Save the Princess

Ma tha thu dèidheil air a’ gheama casino Save the Princess, is dòcha gum biodh geamannan tubaist eile le plotaichean no meacanaig coltach ri chèile inntinneach dhut. Gu dearbh, bidh thu fhathast a’ faighinn eòlas air rudeigin eadar-dhealaichte leis nach eil geamannan tubaist coltach ri chèile, agus sin am bòidhchead. Bho eòlas, faodaidh sinn a ràdh gur e na geamannan tubaist sin aig casinos air-loidhne an fheadhainn as mòr-chòrdte.


Chruthaich Spribe an geama tubaist iongantach Aviator le itealan agus dà roghainn geall suas gu $100 gach ceann ann an 2019, agus eadhon an-diugh, is e seo aon de na tiotalan buannachaidh as ainmeil. Tha na riaghailtean sìmplidh; tòisichidh am plèana, agus feumaidh tu smachd a chumail air cuin a chuireas tu stad air mus tuit e. Is toil le gamblers chan e a-mhàin cho sìmplidh ‘s a tha e ach cuideachd mion-fhiosrachadh staitistigeil cuideachail agus bònasan air thuaiream a gheibh cluicheadairean tron gheama.

Tacsaidh fànais

Chuir Lambda Gaming an geama tubaist casino cryptocurrency ùr seo air bhog ann an 2023. Tha bun-bheachd gu math àbhaisteach aig Space Taxi. Bidh punters a 'cur geall no dhà agus a' feitheamh ris an rocaid le luchd-siubhail gus tòiseachadh air itealaich. Bidh staitistig a’ taisbeanadh luchd-buannachaidh a bh’ ann roimhe, a’ soilleireachadh an ainmean-cleachdaidh, geall, iomadachaidh, agus prothaid lom. Tha cuairt bònas sònraichte ann cuideachd nuair a thig an capsal rocaid air tìr air planaid an àite a bhith a’ spreadhadh agus a’ toirt iomadachaidh de 2x, 3x, 5x, 10x, 20x, 50x, no 100x.


B 'e CrashX a' chiad gheama bho Turbo Games. Chaidh a leigeil ma sgaoil ann an 2021 le caochlaideachd 95% agus grafaigean tarraingeach cuspaireil. A-rithist, gheibh cluicheadairean cothrom air dà roghainn geall gach cuairt. A bharrachd air an sin, tha prògram dìlseachd anns a’ gheama tubaist casino air-loidhne seo far am fàs an inbhe agad leis an àireamh de thursan fìor airgid a th’ agad. Chan eil seo a’ toirt buaidh air buannachadh agus tha e air a dhealbhadh a-mhàin airson cluicheadairean a tha airson a dhol an sàs ann am farpais a bharrachd taobh a-staigh an aon gheama.


Gu fìrinneach, tha fèill mhòr air an t-seòrsa geama seo a-nis, gus am faigh thu Mèinnean bho ghrunn sholaraichean, nam measg Spribe, Geamannan Turbo, Hacksaw Gaming, Pascal Gaming, Stake Original, agus barrachd. San fharsaingeachd, tha am bun-bheachd mar an ceudna; is e an t-amas agad nas urrainn dhut de cheallan fhosgladh gun a bhith a’ dol air mèinn. Faodaidh tu airgead a dhèanamh nas tràithe no cunnartan nas àirde a ghabhail agus feuchainn ris a’ gheama a chrìochnachadh leis an duais as àirde le bhith a’ fosgladh an raon gu lèir.

Neach-strì àrd

Chuir Evoplay High Striker air bhog ann an 2019. Tha an dà chuid grafaigean agus riaghailtean air leth soilleir. Nuair a thòisicheas a 'chuairt, chì thu an loidhne a' fàs, agus mar as àbhaist, feumaidh tu stad ann an àm gus iomadachaidh math fhaighinn ach gun a bhith a 'faighinn eòlas air an loidhne a' tuiteam. An turas seo, chan eil agad ach aon roghainn geall airson gach cuairt, ach tha e goireasach gun urrainn dhut airgead a chuir a-mach gu fèin-ghluasadach.


Tha an lèirmheas Save the Princess seo gu cinnteach a’ dearbhadh gum faod geamannan casino a bhith neo-bheag agus gu math tarraingeach. Chluich Turbo Games an cleas cianalais agus rinn e fìor mhath leis gu bheil an geama tubaist casino air-loidhne seo gu math coltach ri tachartasan Super Mario, agus tha na h-eileamaidean gambling aige a’ cur spìosraidh ris a ’gheama. Chaidh an geama fhoillseachadh san Lùnastal 2022, ach eadhon ann an 2024, chan eil e a’ coimhead seann-fhasanta, agus mar sin gheibh thu e aig prìomh casinos air-loidhne. Faodaidh cluicheadairean cunnartan a riaghladh le bhith a ’faighinn airgead a-mach uair sam bith a tha iad ag iarraidh agus a’ cleachdadh eileamaidean dìon a bharrachd, agus mar sin tha an geama tubaist Save the Princess freagarrach airson a h-uile clàr banca agus blas.

Ceistean Cumanta

Càite am faigh mi an geama Save the Princess?

Tha an duilleag seo a’ taisbeanadh na casinos air-loidhne geama tubaist as fheàrr aig a bheil Save the Princess. Còrdaidh an astar pàighidh aca, taic teachdaiche, agus crìochan pàighidh reusanta.

Mar a chluicheas tu Save the Princess?

Is e geama tubaist a th’ ann far am bi thu a’ tòiseachadh a’ chuairt thu fhèin le bhith a’ putadh air a’ phutan tòiseachaidh. Is e an obair agad na dorsan fhosgladh agus feuchainn ri ìrean nas àirde a ruighinn gus luchd-iomadachaidh nas àirde fhaighinn agus a’ bhana-phrionnsa a shàbhaladh.

Dè as urrainn dhomh a bhuannachadh ann an Save the Princess?

Is e an iomadachaidh as ìsle sa gheama 1.01x, agus is e am fear as àirde 81x. Le geall as àirde de $100, faodaidh tu suas ri $10,000 a bhuannachadh ma chluicheas tu gun eileamaidean dìon agus ma ruigeas tu an caisteal.

Dè na meudan geall ann an Save the Princess?

Tha geama casino air-loidhne Save the Princess freagarrach airson a h-uile buidseat mar thoradh air geall ris an deach gabhail de $0.1 gu $100 agus mòran gheall eadar-amail taobh a-staigh an raoin seo.

A bheil an geama Save the Princess cothromach?

Seadh, tha Turbo Games a’ lìbhrigeadh 100% geamannan cothromach far nach eil duine a’ toirt buaidh air toraidhean. Tha toraidhean an-còmhnaidh air thuaiream agus cothromach. A bharrachd air an sin, tha an geama ri fhaighinn aig casinos ceadaichte anns am faod thu earbsa a bhith.

Geamannan eile le Turbo Games